Site Map
- Verdict Categories
- Animal Encounter
- Asbestos
- Assault and Battery
- Aviation Related
- Bicycle Accident
- Boating Accident
- Breach of Contract
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- Breach of Good Faith
- Breach of Mediation Agreement
- Breach of Warranty
- Building Code Violations
- Bus and Streetcar Passenger Accidents
- Business & Professional Codes
- Civil Rights
- Class Action
- Construction Site Accident
- Consumer Protection
- Contractor Negligence
- Counselor Malpractice
- Course and scope of employment
- Dangerous Condition of Public Roads, Highways
- Dangerous Condition Private Property
- Dangerous Condition Public Property
- Declaratory Relief
- Defamation
- Dental Malpractice
- Discrimination, ADA
- Discrimination, Racial
- Discrimination, Sexual
- Dog Bite
- DUI Accident
- Earning Loss, Business
- Elder Abuse
- Electrical Products – Negligent Installation or Maintenance
- Elevators or Escalators
- Emotional Distress
- Employment
- Environmental
- Excessive Force
- Exterminator Negligence
- Failure to warn
- Falling Object Accident
- False Arrest/Imprisonment
- Fire or Explosion
- Firearm Negligence
- Food Handling
- Food Poisoning
- Food Preparation
- Fraud
- Harassment
- Highlighted Verdicts
- Illegal Search and Seizure
- Industrial Accident
- Infringement
- Insurance
- Insurance Broker Negligence
- Insurance Subrogation, Recovery, Indemnity
- Insurance – Bad Faith, Claims Handling
- Intentional Concealment
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
- Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage
- Invasion of Privacy
- Labor Code Violation
- Landlord-Tenant Issues
- Legal Malpractice
- Loading Dock Accident
- Loss of Consortium
- Malicious Prosecution
- Maritime (See also "Boating")
- Medical Malpractice
- MIST (Minor impact, soft tissue)
- Mortuary Negligence, Malpractice
- Negligence
- Nuisance, Private
- Police Shooting
- Premises Liability
- Products Liability
- Professional Malpractice
- Rape
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Condemnation
- Real Estate Fraud, Misrepresentation
- Recreational Activities and Assumption of Risk
- School Bus Accidents
- Security
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Battery
- Sexual Harassment
- Sidewalk Accident
- Slip and Fall
- Spoliation of Evidence
- Statute of Limitation Issues
- Strict Liability
- Toxins
- Trip and Fall
- Underinsured Motorist
- Unruh Act Violations
- Utilities, Public
- Vehicles - Auto vs. Auto
- Vehicles - Bus vs. Other
- Vehicles - Freeway
- Vehicles - Intersection
- Vehicles - Lane Change
- Vehicles - Left Turn
- Vehicles - Motorcycle
- Vehicles - Parked Vehicle
- Vehicles - Right Turn
- Vehicles - Rollover
- Vehicles - Spill or Falling Objects from Truck
- Vehicles - Tractor Trailers
- Vehicles - Truck vs. Auto
- Vehicles - U Turn
- Vehicles - vs. Pedestrian
- Vehicles – rear-ender
- Whistleblower
- Wills and Probate
- Workplace Accident, Misc.
- Wrongful Death
- Wrongful Life/Birth
- Wrongful Termination
- Verdicts
- Animal Encounter
- Civil rights claims include shooting of dog by deputies. $800K. Fresno County.
- Dog bite case settles for $85K after $132K verdict. Contra Costa County.
- Jogging with her poodle, woman is attacked by pit bull. Dog bite. $44,000. San Bernardino County.
- Woman is run over by runaway cow, says cow's owner is strictly liable. Defense Verdict. Sacramento County.
- Asbestos
- Asbestos fibers brought home from workplace cause death. $11.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Auto mechanic wins $6.8 million verdict against Ford Motor Co. for mesothelioma. Alameda County.
- Auto mechanic worked on brakes, dies of mesothelioma. $10.9 million gross verdict. Fresno County.
- Factory worker gets Mesothelioma, blames a contractor. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Janitor working during renovation of office building dies of mesothelioma. $107M. Los Angeles County.
- Mesothelioma causes death of auto parts worker: $11 million gross verdict for family. Alameda County.
- Mesothelioma: Plaintiff worked with asbestos in Iran. $5.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Oil refinery employee who worked in Iran is diagnosed with mesothelioma. $25M. Los Angeles County.
- Railroad boilermaker dies of Mesothelioma from asbestos in repair shop. $6.95 million. Alameda County.
- Research scientist develops mesothelioma after years of working with lab equipment containing asbestos. $16.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death due to mesothelioma. $8.87M. Los Angeles County.
- Assault and Battery
- $2 million verdict after theology professor is fraudulently hired, his rare books are taken and he is beaten. Los Angeles County.
- $55 million against security company at apartment complex after gang shooting. San Bernardino County.
- Altercation with LA traffic enforcement officer leads to claim of false arrest. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Beating by bar's security guard causes TBI. $9.25M. Los Angeles County.
- Claims of excessive force by bar security guards. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Four partying men brutally beat on brother and sister outside LA restaurant; $72M. Los Angeles County.
- Member of spiritual center accuses her advisor of sexual assault. $177K. Los Angeles County.
- Pro baseball pitcher assaulted by man high on LSD after party. $2.2M. San Mateo County.
- Real estate agent assaulted at listed property. $2.54 million bench verdict. Orange County.
- Supervisors stage fake armed robbery to test cashiers. $360,000 for emotional distress. Kern County.
- Aviation Related
- Bicycle Accident
- Avis employee hits a bicyclist with SUV. $5.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Bicycle rider crashes at night due to raised sidewalk. $138K. Los Angeles County.
- Bicyclist and his wife awarded over $4.75 million after car driver deemed responsible for accident. San Diego County.
- Bicyclist falls at site of highway roadwork; paraplegic. $15.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Bicyclist is struck by car in or near bike lane. $4.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Bike/pedestrian accident on shared trail. $10M. Sacramento County.
- Bus strikes bicyclist on street. $900K. San Diego County.
- Cyclist in crosswalk struck by SUV; herniated disks. $577K. Orange County.
- Cyclist runs into truck making a right-hand turn. $688K. Marin County.
- Dangerous condition of City of Long Beach bike path. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Experienced bicyclist suffers TBI after crash. $9.18M. Los Angeles County.
- Hit-and-run motorist leaves bicycle rider with spinal injuries. $3.1 million arb award. Los Angeles County.
- Homeless ex-con on bike hits car door that's suddenly opened; $44K offer. $85K verdict. Santa Barbara County.
- Jury verdict of $3.5 million for parents of 18-year-old bicyclist killed by tractor-trailer. Los Angeles County.
- Liability and extent of injuries disputed after van collides with bike. $2.6M. Alameda County.
- Manhole cover in bike lane said to be cause of cyclist's crash. $6.7M. Santa Cruz County.
- TBI claimed when bicyclist hits door opened on parked car. San Francisco County.
- Boating Accident
- Boating accident at Lake Tahoe results in amputated leg. $23M.
- Ferry boat collides with runabout on the SF Bay. $3.7 million jury verdict. Northern District Court.
- Jet ski crashes into boat that suddenly turns in front of it. $21.7 million product liability and negligence. Los Angeles County.
- Yamaha Waverunner explodes on launch ramp, killing owner. $21.3M. San Bernardino County.
- Breach of Contract
- $1.96 million to inventor of diesel fuel additive for breach of implied employment contract. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of care and negligence claimed in residential facility for elderly (RCFE). $2M. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of contract by multi-level marketing company. $6 million arbitration award.
- Breach of contract involving California prohibition on non-compete agreements. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Breach of contract on construction site; $107,000 judgment includes costs, attorneys fees. Riverside County.
- Breach of contract, D&O insurance; bench verdict $442K. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of contract, fraud claimed in sale of surfboard company. $4.6M. Orange County
- Breach of lending agreement, guarantor won't pay; $871,000. Los Angeles County.
- Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and USC breach employment contract. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Company fails to pay sales commissions and salary; $2.192 million bench verdict. Butte County.
- Defense verdict in breach of contract claim involving sale of dental practice. San Francisco County.
- Developer of "Viet Nam Town" in San Jose takes deposits but doesn't build. $3.13 million
- E-wallet company says credit card processor defrauded it.
- Employment breach of contract claimed in settlement with terminated county employee. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Fee dispute between law firm and client results in counter-claim; $146K. Orange County.
- HMO provider group of physicians does not provide timely hand surgery. $7.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Insurer refuses to pay $139K business burglary claim; $2.5 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Koreatown coffee shop sale turns ugly. $400K bench verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Large apartment complex infested with bedbugs for years. $3.5M. Los Angeles County
- Law firms dispute sharing of $12 million fee award in class action. Bench verdict for defense.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- Plaintiff gives away a horse that becomes a champion, then wants it back. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Property flippers accused of committing real estate fraud. $3.1M. Ventura County.
- Real estate investment partners blame each other when investment fizzles. $1.2 million. Orange County.
- Referral fee agreement becomes issue when plaintiff attorney refers wrongful death case; says he was screwed out of agreed fee. $78,000. San Joaquin County.
- Remodeling breaches restaurant lease. San Diego County.
- Thai manufacturer sues California distributor of high-end scanners. Alter-ego issues. $310,000. Los Angeles County.
- Verbal partnership agreement in cannabis business leads to dispute. $662K. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of Fiduciary Duty
- $280,000 verdict against trustee who mishandled trust funds. Tehama County.
- Breach of contract involving California prohibition on non-compete agreements. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Cookie and bakery companies work together on health bar, until it all crumbles. $10 million, LA County
- Fee dispute between law firm and client results in counter-claim; $146K. Orange County.
- Inventor loses patent, blames law office negligence. $61.5M. San Diego County.
- Law firms dispute sharing of $12 million fee award in class action. Bench verdict for defense.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- Real estate investment partners blame each other when investment fizzles. $1.2 million. Orange County.
- Real estate loans go sour and senior woman blames long-time broker. $1.18 million. U.S. Eastern District Bankruptcy Court.
- State says trustee abused position in handling charitable trust. Marin County.
- Verbal partnership agreement in cannabis business leads to dispute. $662K. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of Good Faith
- $300,00 for emotional damages in bad-faith UIM claim. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of contract involving California prohibition on non-compete agreements. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Insurer lowballs repair payments on damaged restaurant building. $10.5 million for bad faith + punitives. Stanislaus County.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- RV insurance claim denied after fire. $8.4M. Riverside County.
- Breach of Mediation Agreement
- Breach of Warranty
- Defense verdict in breach of contract claim involving sale of dental practice. San Francisco County.
- Fatal highway accident blamed on faulty manufacture of motor home. Defense verdict. Sonoma County.
- Lemon law – Steering on BMW M4 is not repaired. $111,000. Los Angeles Federal Court.
- Tenants suffer bed bug infestation in apartment. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Building Code Violations
- Bus and Streetcar Passenger Accidents
- Business & Professional Codes
- Civil Rights
- "Pat down" of suspect in dangerous location causes his death. $12M. Los Angeles County.
- $8.75 million verdict in L.A. Sheriff excessive force/wrongful death case. Los Angeles County.
- 911 call results in police shooting/killing young man. $2.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- African American says his Caltrans co-workers racially harassed and discriminated against him. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Boy, 15, holding toy gun is shot in Palmdale by LA County sheriff's deputy. $1.1 million award. Los Angeles County.
- Civil rights case against plainclothes officer. $710K. San Joaquin County.
- Civil rights claims include shooting of dog by deputies. $800K. Fresno County.
- Defendant prison guards liable for inciting attack on prisoner. $130K.
- Defense verdict for City of Carlsbad in excessive force case. San Diego County.
- Elbow injury and emotional distress claimed after struggle with undercover officers. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Excessive force claimed when 7 officers respond to vandalism call. Wrongful shooting death. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Inmate claims painkiller from prison docs was not enough. $120,000.
- Inmate suffering heroin withdrawal dies in county jail. $1.6M. Monterey County.
- LAPD officer shoots 13-year-old boy playing with pellet gun after dark. $19.2 million net award. Los Angeles County.
- Lawyer tries to intervene in ongoing sexual harassment by prominent yogi and is fired. $7.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Long-time sheriff's detective doesn't want reassignment to patrol. Defense verdict. El Dorado County.
- Plaintiff claims use of excessive force during arrest for suspected car theft. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff shot by LAPD rubber bullet. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Police officer misconduct results in settlement at trial of $1.45 million. Los Angeles County.
- Police shooting results in wrongful death claim. Defense. Santa Clara County.
- School custodian wrongfully terminated after injury. $35.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Second trial on false arrest charges results in $50K against LAPD. Los Angeles County.
- Soledad prisoner falsely "validated" as a gang member, segregated. $535K.
- Three foster children sexually abused, private foster agency blamed. $24.8M. Sonoma County.
- Unarmed robbery suspect shot by Culver City police. Minor children awarded $8.8 million. Los Angeles County.
- Woman claims sexual assault by hotel massage therapist. Defense verdict. Alameda County.
- Class Action
- $90 million to security guards in class action over break time. Los Angeles County.
- LA sanitation truck drivers not provided proper meal breaks. $26 million settlement.
- Off-the-clock security check when leaving work impeded breaks per plaintiffs. $6M.
- Plaintiff claims debt letter violated the Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. $4.8K.
- Construction Site Accident
- $8.3 million verdict when worker falls as he tries to escape runaway construction hoist. San Francisco County.
- Construction worker falls to his death from concrete form. $26.9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Electrician on job site falls from roof-access ladder. $5.2 million. Yuba County.
- Laborer doing electrical work is electrocuted on job site. $14.3 million awarded. Fresno County.
- Pool installer injured in gas explosion. $6.5 million gross, reduced by contributory negligence. Riverside County.
- Trial to determine if rebar company liable for one or two accidents involving plaintiff. $10.7 million gross. Alameda County.
- Consumer Protection
- Contractor Negligence
- Course and scope of employment
- Beating by bar's security guard causes TBI. $9.25M. Los Angeles County.
- Course and scope of employment disputed in wrongful death case. $4M. Ventura County.
- Defendant ran red light. $173K. San Bernardino County.
- Employer said responsible for intoxicated employee's auto accident. $15 million. Los Angeles County.
- Head-on collision results in MTBI, other injuries. $2.6M. San Bernardino County.
- LADWP employee crashes into motorcycle during unprotected left turn. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian MIST case involving course of employment. $962K. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian-hit-by-auto results in $1 million verdict against a $10 million demand. Orange County.
- Plaintiff injured when friendly bartender jumps on him. $148K. Orange County.
- Question of course and scope of employment critical in T-bone crash. $1.85M. Los Angeles County.
- Soft-tissue injuries in rear-ender prevent plaintiff from taking high-paying job. $669K. Orange County.
- Truck driver is run over by his own rig during altercation over truck making a turn on private business property. $9.3 million. Fresno County.
- Dangerous Condition of Public Roads, Highways
- $4 million verdict for wrongful death on dangerous roadway. San Diego County.
- Bicyclist falls at site of highway roadwork; paraplegic. $15.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Fatal accident at dangerous intersection. $23.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Teen student hit by driver in dangerous crosswalk, city sued. $25.6M. Riverside County.
- Truck driver is run over by his own rig during altercation over truck making a turn on private business property. $9.3 million. Fresno County.
- Washed-out bridge caused dangerous road condition. $396K verdict against San Bernardino County.
- Dangerous Condition Private Property
- 72-year-old immigrant trips in planter at his doc's office. $75K offer. $782K net verdict. Orange County.
- After fall, safety of step at commercial building entrance is disputed. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Garage door falls on tenant but landlord says injury was from auto accident. $2.8M. Sacramento County.
- Hatch door to roof of shopping mall injures lighting technician. $12.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats 998 in Walmart trip-and-fall. $2.45M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff with alleged BAL of .32 falls down outside stairs at her apartment, owner/manager 60% negligent. San Francisco County.
- Pool installer injured in gas explosion. $6.5 million gross, reduced by contributory negligence. Riverside County.
- Truck driver is run over by his own rig during altercation over truck making a turn on private business property. $9.3 million. Fresno County.
- Dangerous Condition Public Property
- 15-year-old dies after being struck by car at dangerous crossing on way to school bus. $20 million. San Bernardino County.
- Bicycle rider crashes at night due to raised sidewalk. $138K. Los Angeles County.
- Bicyclist is struck by car in or near bike lane. $4.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Caltrans alleged to be liable when vehicles collide making right turns. $16M. Sonoma County.
- Caltrans fails to warn subcontractor of dangerous health conditions at work site. $12 million. Solano County.
- City of Long Beach disputes liability in sidewalk trip and fall. $145K. Los Angeles County.
- Dangerous condition of City of Long Beach bike path. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Dangerous sidewalk over freeway causes fall, $1.77 million verdict. Demanded $399,999. Santa Clara County.
- Driver is killed when he crashes into an already collapsed crash cushion. Family sues Caltrans. $21M.
- Experienced bicyclist suffers TBI after crash. $9.18M. Los Angeles County.
- High school student struck by car at school bus stop; $9.8 million. El Dorado County.
- Manhole cover in bike lane said to be cause of cyclist's crash. $6.7M. Santa Cruz County.
- Motorcyclist claims dangerous condition of county road. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Passenger at LAX slips and falls in bathroom. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Raised asphalt on LA city road poses dangerous condition for roller-blader. $2M. Los Angeles County.
- Serious burns to young camper result in verdict against park district. $2.9 million. Alameda County.
- Sidewalk trip and fall in City of LA. $181.5K. Los Angeles County.
- Sidewalk trip and fall in Long Beach. $193K. Los Angeles County.
- Teen is killed walking to school, city blamed for dangerous condition. $60M. San Bernardino County.
- Two-pound aluminum light-pole cap falls on man's head, causes dementia. $22.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Water district pipe leaks, damages commercial buildings. Contra Costa County.
- Woman trips at night on raised sidewalk. Jury awards $493,000 and defendant made no offer. Los Angeles County.
- Declaratory Relief
- Defamation
- $167 million record verdict for wrongful termination of surgical aide at Catholic hospital. Sacramento County.
- Cancer surgeon sues Kaiser medical group for firing and defaming him; awarded $1.75 million before confidential settlement. Orange County.
- Dentist going through divorce defames spouse's expert witness on Yelp. $1.598M. Los Angeles County.
- Fired employee wins defamation case. $4.9M.
- Kemper Independence claims manager defamed at work and then terminated. $4.7 million. Sacramento County.
- Manufacturing plant supervisor suffers multiple injuries on the job, later fired. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiffs claim defamation within company caused their terminations from insurance company. $82M. Sacramento County.
- San Luis Obispo environmental scientist defamed in newspaper article. $1.1 million. San Luis Obispo County.
- Santa Barbara inn fires food/beverage director for being "no spring chicken." $545K. Santa Barbara County.
- Security guard fails drug test and is terminated. $40K offered. $1 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Surgeon blows the whistle at UCLA Medical Center. $10 million settlement at trial. Los Angeles County.
- Tech school department head claims defamation and retaliation. $914K. Alameda County.
- Transplant surgeon is defamed by surgical director at Loma Linda Medical Center. $1.5 million. San Bernardino County.
- Whistleblower sues bank employer. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- Defective Construction
- Dental Malpractice
- Discrimination, ADA
- $550,000 verdict for custodian in ADA discrimination case. San Bernardino County.
- $75,290 jury verdict for employment disability discrimination; stipulated judgment of $175,000 prior to punitive damages phase. Orange County.
- 15-year supermarket employee fired while on medical leave. $578K. San Mateo County.
- AT&T call center rep takes a lot of medical leave, is terminated after 10 years. Claims retaliation, wrongful termination. $2M. San Diego County.
- Design assistant terminated after repetitive injury claim. $210K. Los Angeles County.
- Healthcare employer fires supervisor after medical leave. $420K. Yuba County.
- LAPD retaliates against lieutenant who requests accommodation after on-the-job injury. $4.3M. Los Angeles County.
- LAUSD teacher requests accommodations for anxiety disorder brought on by district's failure to protect the teacher and maintain a safe school environment. $915K. Los Angeles County.
- Long-time employee and employer dispute accommodation request and verbal resignation. $11.2M. San Diego County.
- Long-time hotel concierge claims insufficient accommodation for his physical limitations. $20M. San Francisco County.
- Manufacturing plant supervisor suffers multiple injuries on the job, later fired. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- Mechanic sues after he is told that boss referred to him by using the "N" word. $176K. Orange County.
- Navy veteran retaliated against for whistleblower complaint. $1.7M. San Bernardino County.
- Plaintiff claims wrongful termination after employer tries to accommodate after on-the-job injury. Defense. Orange County.
- Psychiatrist claims ADHD, depression and does not receive accommodations at work. $1.6 million verdict. San Diego County.
- School custodian wrongfully terminated after injury. $35.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Sports columnist for LA Times claims constructive termination; $7.1 million. Reduced on JNOV.
- Discrimination, Age
- $2.5 million to two bank employees for wrongful termination, discrimination. Los Angeles County.
- 69-year-old occupational therapist unlawfully terminated. $9.3M. San Diego County.
- Age discrimination by ADP in sales position. $418K.
- Custodians of college district claim age and racial discrimination. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Farmer's claims adjuster claims age discrimination after termination; $749,000. Fresno County.
- Fired fire chief claims age discrimination. $704K. San Bernardino County.
- Long-time employee and employer dispute accommodation request and verbal resignation. $11.2M. San Diego County.
- Santa Barbara inn fires food/beverage director for being "no spring chicken." $545K. Santa Barbara County.
- Sports columnist for LA Times claims constructive termination; $7.1 million. Reduced on JNOV.
- Staples facilities manager, 64, fired after age harassment. $26.1 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of long-time employee results in punitives. $8.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Young managers engage in age discrimination of long-time employee. $31M. Los Angeles County.
- Discrimination, Racial
- African American says his Caltrans co-workers racially harassed and discriminated against him. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Cal State Park officers go skinny-dipping at beach wedding, only Hispanic officer is disciplined. $325K. Orange County.
- Contract worker for Tesla experiences persistent racial harassment. $137M.
- County of Los Angeles whistleblower. $257K.
- Custodians of college district claim age and racial discrimination. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Defense verdict in claim of racial discrimination by city librarian. Los Angeles County.
- Firefighter claims racial discrimination. Defense verdict.
- Mechanic sues after he is told that boss referred to him by using the "N" word. $176K. Orange County.
- Restaurant worker claims racial and sexual harassment, wrongful termination. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Salesman fired in retaliation after complaints of racial harassment. $822K. Los Angeles County.
- Vice president said to mishandle transgender person's complaint. VP is fired. $300K arb award.
- White LA city employee claims racial discrimination against Caucasians. $3.25 million. Los Angeles County.
- Discrimination, Sexual
- 20-year City of Compton employee suffers discrimination, retaliation and termination. $655K. Los Angeles County.
- Baldwin Park's first female Chief of Police wrongfully terminated. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- City of Oakland employee harassed by supervisor. $2.62M. Alameda County.
- Coworker sexually harasses truck driver. $2.6M. Santa Cruz County.
- Female physician at UCLA claims gender discrimination by male doctors. $14M. Los Angeles County.
- Lawyer tries to intervene in ongoing sexual harassment by prominent yogi and is fired. $7.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Nurse at state mental hospital claims supervisor harassed and endangered her. Defense. San Luis Obispo County.
- Dog Bite
- 50-pound dog bites golf instructor who is out walking. $309K. Orange County.
- Dog bite case settles for $85K after $132K verdict. Contra Costa County.
- Dog bites drunk woman at party; jury awards $120,000, finds no contributory negligence. San Diego County.
- Jogging with her poodle, woman is attacked by pit bull. Dog bite. $44,000. San Bernardino County.
- Plaintiff suffers PTSD after vicious dog bite. $16,500. Los Angeles County.
- Small child attacked by pit bull. $297K. Sacramento County.
- DUI Accident
- $742K UIM arbitration award against Wesco Insurance Company. San Diego County.
- Alleged intoxicated driver hits brick monument with plaintiff passenger in car. $6M. Riverside County.
- Buddies go drinking and crash ensues, causing injury to drunk passenger. $20M. Los Angeles County.
- Driver is hit by drunk driver; quadriplegia. $125 million. Ventura County.
- DUI driver crashes head-on into couple's car. $8.9M. Los Angeles County.
- DUI tree trimmer has no driver's license, crosses center line and strikes couple's van. $83.8M. San Bernardino County
- Employer said responsible for intoxicated employee's auto accident. $15 million. Los Angeles County.
- Negligent entrustment claim in high-speed DUI crash. $1.6M. Santa Barbara County.
- Permissive use/negligent entrustment claimed after DUI crash. $111,000 verdict. San Diego County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Restaurant held liable when employee gets drunk at bar after shift. $1.5 million. San Diego County.
- Severe injuries to family in DUI accident; $20 million. Los Angeles County.
- Earning Loss, Business
- Elder Abuse
- $27 million awarded against assisted-living facility for negligence in care of Alzheimer's patient. Sacramento County.
- Aspiration warnings for 73-year-old hospital patient ignored by staff. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Assisted living facility not equipped to provide care for man they admitted. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of care and negligence claimed in residential facility for elderly (RCFE). $2M. Los Angeles County.
- Disabled adult dies when left in hot vehicle. $5.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Elder abuse claimed in treatment of 80-year-old in poor health. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Elder abuse: Trustee's changes to trust prior to mother's death are challenged. $1.15M. San Francisco County.
- Elder dies in memory care facility after repeatedly receiving sedative; $42.5M. Sacramento County.
- Elderly man's trust is looted by prominent woman serving as his trustee. $22.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Elderly woman develops pressure ulcer during hospitalization after fall. $1.7M. Butte County.
- Elderly woman in residential facility falls. $4.3M. Los Angeles County.
- Family sues skilled nursing facility after death of 86-year-old. $30M. Sacramento County.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- Negligence claimed at residential care facility. $5.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Nursing home staff fails to follow procedures to prevent pressure sores. Wrongful death. $1.6M arbitration award.
- Real estate loans go sour and senior woman blames long-time broker. $1.18 million. U.S. Eastern District Bankruptcy Court.
- Relatives ordered to transfer home and pay $34,375 in elder abuse case. Ventura County.
- Resident falls multiple times in nursing home and suffers stroke during emergency evacuation. $32M. Sonoma County.
- Ten residents claim elder abuse and neglect at nursing home. $13.5M. Alameda County.
- Electrical Products – Negligent Installation or Maintenance
- Emotional Distress
- 20-year City of Compton employee suffers discrimination, retaliation and termination. $655K. Los Angeles County.
- Defense offers $150,000 in hospice sexual assault case. Defense verdict. Riverside County.
- Defense verdict in claim of racial discrimination by city librarian. Los Angeles County.
- Grieving mother's deceased baby is cremated without her knowledge or consent $1.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Negligent care at residential facility results in sexual abuse of minor. $12 million. Sacramento County.
- Parents claim local businessman sexually touched young female child. Defense. San Joaquin County.
- School custodian wrongfully terminated after injury. $35.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Varsity football kicker's knee severely injured in trampoline park. $905K. Orange County.
- Whistleblower resigns, stressed over nursing home's alleged Medicare fraud. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower sues bank employer. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- Employment
- $1.96 million to inventor of diesel fuel additive for breach of implied employment contract. Los Angeles County.
- $167 million record verdict for wrongful termination of surgical aide at Catholic hospital. Sacramento County.
- $2.5 million to two bank employees for wrongful termination, discrimination. Los Angeles County.
- $21.8 million award for wrongful termination of customer service rep. Los Angeles County.
- $6 million jury verdict for truck driver whose employer insisted he make deliveries in dangerous weather. Sacramento County.
- $723K to supermarket clerk for wrongful termination, discrimination. Punitives. Los Angeles County.
- $75,290 jury verdict for employment disability discrimination; stipulated judgment of $175,000 prior to punitive damages phase. Orange County.
- $90 million to security guards in class action over break time. Los Angeles County.
- 15-year supermarket employee fired while on medical leave. $578K. San Mateo County.
- 20-year City of Compton employee suffers discrimination, retaliation and termination. $655K. Los Angeles County.
- 69-year-old occupational therapist unlawfully terminated. $9.3M. San Diego County.
- Administrator claims breach of implied employment contract. $362,000. Sacramento County.
- African American says his Caltrans co-workers racially harassed and discriminated against him. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Age discrimination by ADP in sales position. $418K.
- Assembly worker's carpal tunnel syndrome is no longer accommodated. $500,000. Los Angeles County.
- Baldwin Park's first female Chief of Police wrongfully terminated. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- Bartender fired after pregnancy leave; defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Beverly Hills Chief of Police accused of harassment. $1.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Broadcasting company knowingly hires employee's prior harasser. $1.2M. Ventura County.
- Bus driver with health issues repeatedly misses work, is fired. $1.9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Cancer surgeon sues Kaiser medical group for firing and defaming him; awarded $1.75 million before confidential settlement. Orange County.
- Caretaker for elderly misclassified as independent contractor. $3M. Riverside County.
- Catholic-school teacher's contract not renewed after maternity leave. $3.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and USC breach employment contract. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- City council fires police chief after he begins embezzlement investigation. $1M. Fresno County.
- City of Oakland employee harassed by supervisor. $2.62M. Alameda County.
- Civilian investigator reports misconduct, which City of Long Beach tries to hide. $736K. Los Angeles County.
- Company fails to pay sales commissions and salary; $2.192 million bench verdict. Butte County.
- Company fires employee while he is out on medical leave, after he asked for simple accommodation. $240K. Los Angeles County.
- Company retaliates against whistleblowing CFO. $2.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Correctional officer claims retaliation after reporting on-the-job sexual harassment. $752K. Plumas County.
- County of Los Angeles whistleblower. $257K.
- Couple says they were lured to California for work at a religious retreat; claims they were promised health insurance. Defense verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Coworker sexually harasses truck driver. $2.6M. Santa Cruz County.
- Defense verdict in claim of racial discrimination by city librarian. Los Angeles County.
- Defense verdict in employment action. Shasta County.
- Defense verdict on public employee's dismissal. El Dorado County.
- Defense verdict when police officer sues city for retaliation. San Diego County.
- Dentist sexually harasses assistant. $1.7 million bench verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Doctor-founders of non-profit medical clinic are wrongfully terminated. $6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Early maternity leave leads to employee's termination. $41,400 bench verdict.Los Angeles County.
- Employee is not accommodated after serious auto accident. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Employee misclassified as contractor loses other claims. $24.8K. Alameda County.
- Employer said negligent after one employee attacks another. $1.9 million. Solano County.
- Employment arbitration award for failure to accommodate. $974K. Los Angeles County.
- Employment breach of contract claimed in settlement with terminated county employee. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Farmer's claims adjuster claims age discrimination after termination; $749,000. Fresno County.
- FEHA discrimination claimed against large clothing manufacturer. $650K. Los Angeles County.
- Female physician at UCLA claims gender discrimination by male doctors. $14M. Los Angeles County.
- Fired employee wins defamation case. $4.9M.
- Fired fire chief claims age discrimination. $704K. San Bernardino County.
- Firefighter claims racial discrimination. Defense verdict.
- Hollywood creative director wrongfully terminated for reporting boss's coke use; $450,000 verdict; settlement before punitive phase. Los Angeles County.
- Insurer AAA fires employee who complained of harassment by supervisor. $360K arb award plus $504,783.47 in attorneys fees and $24,175.97 in costs.
- Janitor with shoulder injury claims wrongful termination. $1.1M. San Diego County.
- Kaiser administrator says termination was retaliation. $3 million, later reduced. Alameda County.
- Kaiser charge nurse claims retaliation after being fired. $41M. Los Angeles County.
- Kaiser employee is fired; claims retaliation. $366K. Los Angeles County.
- Kemper Independence claims manager defamed at work and then terminated. $4.7 million. Sacramento County.
- LAPD deputy chief harasses husband and later retaliates against his wife, both sworn officers. $10M. Los Angeles County.
- LAPD officer claims disability discrimination and more. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- LAPD retaliated against police detective after medical leave. $2.1 million. Los Angeles County.
- LAPD retaliates against lieutenant who requests accommodation after on-the-job injury. $4.3M. Los Angeles County.
- LAUSD teacher requests accommodations for anxiety disorder brought on by district's failure to protect the teacher and maintain a safe school environment. $915K. Los Angeles County.
- Lawyer tries to intervene in ongoing sexual harassment by prominent yogi and is fired. $7.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Long-term female executive claims wrongful termination against Playboy Enterprises. $6 million. U.S. District Court.
- Long-time employee and employer dispute accommodation request and verbal resignation. $11.2M. San Diego County.
- Long-time hotel concierge claims insufficient accommodation for his physical limitations. $20M. San Francisco County.
- Mani and Pedi workers in wage and overtime dispute. $95,788 bench verdict. San Diego County.
- Manufacturing plant supervisor suffers multiple injuries on the job, later fired. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- Mechanic fired after taking military leave. $1M. Orange County.
- Mechanic sues after he is told that boss referred to him by using the "N" word. $176K. Orange County.
- Messenger service companies say they did not employ plaintiff; that he was an independent contractor. $53K. San Francisco Superior Court.
- Navy veteran retaliated against for whistleblower complaint. $1.7M. San Bernardino County.
- Nurse at state mental hospital claims supervisor harassed and endangered her. Defense. San Luis Obispo County.
- Off-the-clock security check when leaving work impeded breaks per plaintiffs. $6M.
- Only non-economic damages sought in employment retaliation case. $575K. Riverside County.
- Orange County employee says she was constructively terminated. $1.2M. Orange County.
- Passenger van driver tells passenger of depression and is fired. $1.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff claims wrongful termination after employer tries to accommodate after on-the-job injury. Defense. Orange County.
- Plaintiff leaves country during medical leave, so school district terminates him. $1.2M. Tulare County.
- Plaintiffs allege sexual harassment and retaliation at So. Cal. Edison. $464M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiffs claim defamation within company caused their terminations from insurance company. $82M. Sacramento County.
- Police captain has higher aspirations, claims retaliation when not promoted further. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Police sergeant claims retaliation by City of Los Angeles after prior lawsuit. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Pregnancy discrimination claimed after job termination. $251K. Napa County.
- Prison psychiatrist claims Department of Corrections violated the California Family Rights Act. $1.8M. San Joaquin County.
- Production worker fired for insubordination awarded $482,511. Los Angeles County.
- Psychiatrist claims ADHD, depression and does not receive accommodations at work. $1.6 million verdict. San Diego County.
- Regents fail to accommodate food-service work injury, then fire plaintiff after a medical leave. $6M. Los Angeles County.
- Restaurant held liable when employee gets drunk at bar after shift. $1.5 million. San Diego County.
- Restaurant worker claims racial and sexual harassment, wrongful termination. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Retaliation against deputy trainee who reported illegal stops and arrests. $8.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Retaliation claimed when fire marshal is fired. $4M. Los Angeles County.
- Salesman fired in retaliation after complaints of racial harassment. $822K. Los Angeles County.
- Santa Barbara inn fires food/beverage director for being "no spring chicken." $545K. Santa Barbara County.
- School custodian wrongfully terminated after injury. $35.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- School district sued for disability discrimination after providing many accommodations. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Secretary says hugs and touching distressed her, claims sexual harassment by high-ranking sheriff. $60K. San Diego County.
- Sports columnist for LA Times claims constructive termination; $7.1 million. Reduced on JNOV.
- Staples facilities manager, 64, fired after age harassment. $26.1 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Supervisors stage fake armed robbery to test cashiers. $360,000 for emotional distress. Kern County.
- Surgeon blows the whistle at UCLA Medical Center. $10 million settlement at trial. Los Angeles County.
- Teacher claims school district failed to accommodate her MS disability. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Tech on FAA contract fired after altercation with co-worker. $7.39 million
- Tech school department head claims defamation and retaliation. $914K. Alameda County.
- Three whistle-blowing employees of FedEx claim unsafe airplane repairs. $8M. Los Angeles County.
- Two male LAPD officers retaliated against for supporting female officer. $8.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Union steward faces retaliation after confronting management at LA County Social Services workplace. $3.5M. Los Angeles County.
- UPS supervisor receives $18 million verdict for wrongful termination/retaliation. Los Angeles County.
- Vice president said to mishandle transgender person's complaint. VP is fired. $300K arb award.
- Waitress terminated after pregnancy-related leave; she does not get along with new chef. Sutter County.
- Whistleblower - School safety officer complained of illegal activity. $800K. San Bernardino County.
- Whistleblower gets $22M punitives after wrongful termination. $25.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower psychologist is terminated at state mental hospital. $1 million. Napa County.
- Whistleblower resigns, stressed over nursing home's alleged Medicare fraud. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower sues bank employer. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- White LA city employee claims racial discrimination against Caucasians. $3.25 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination after wage-and-hour violations and sexual harassment. $583K. Orange County.
- Wrongful termination and retaliation claimed by Office Depot supervisor. $10 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination at community college. $2.9M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of hospital employee based on race and retaliation. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of long-time employee results in punitives. $8.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of prison doctor results in $3.3 million verdict. Madera County.
- Wrongful termination of school district employee. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of senior manager. $4M. San Diego County.
- Young managers engage in age discrimination of long-time employee. $31M. Los Angeles County.
- Excessive Force
- $8.75 million verdict in L.A. Sheriff excessive force/wrongful death case. Los Angeles County.
- Defense verdict for City of Carlsbad in excessive force case. San Diego County.
- Excessive force claimed when 7 officers respond to vandalism call. Wrongful shooting death. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Hispanic cousins claim excessive force by Long Beach police officers. $1.625 million.
- LAPD officer uses excessive force on disabled man in search for robbery suspect. $1.68 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff shot by LAPD rubber bullet. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Unarmed robbery suspect shot by Culver City police. Minor children awarded $8.8 million. Los Angeles County.
- Exterminator Negligence
- Failure to warn
- Falling Object Accident
- False Arrest/Imprisonment
- Altercation with LA traffic enforcement officer leads to claim of false arrest. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- DA's son wrongly arrested and charged in gang shooting. $526K. Merced County.
- False Arrest in real estate dispute. Defense verdict. Stanislaus County.
- Second trial on false arrest charges results in $50K against LAPD. Los Angeles County.
- Employee claims negligence against railroad employer after truck catches fire. $1.9M. Fresno County.
- FELA: Railroad man says altered brake equipment on rail car caused him to fall, badly injuring shoulder. $4.38M.
- Railroad boilermaker dies of Mesothelioma from asbestos in repair shop. $6.95 million. Alameda County.
- Fire or Explosion
- Food Handling
- Food Poisoning
- Food Preparation
- Fraud
- $12 million for med mal and medical device product liability, including punitives. San Diego County.
- $2 million verdict after theology professor is fraudulently hired, his rare books are taken and he is beaten. Los Angeles County.
- $3.9 million verdict when Wyndham Vacation Resorts breaches contract, commits fraud against travel wholesaler. Los Angeles County.
- Breach of contract, fraud claimed in sale of surfboard company. $4.6M. Orange County
- CEO accused of fraud by shareholders. $4.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Company fails to pay sales commissions and salary; $2.192 million bench verdict. Butte County.
- Couple says they were lured to California for work at a religious retreat; claims they were promised health insurance. Defense verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Defense verdict in breach of contract claim involving sale of dental practice. San Francisco County.
- Dentist extracts wisdom teeth, patient has ongoing pain from jaw and nerve damage. $500K. Monterey County.
- E-wallet company says credit card processor defrauded it.
- Elder dies in memory care facility after repeatedly receiving sedative; $42.5M. Sacramento County.
- Elderly man's trust is looted by prominent woman serving as his trustee. $22.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Fee dispute between law firm and client results in counter-claim; $146K. Orange County.
- Fraud claimed by homebuyer. $606K. Los Angeles County.
- Hispanic homeowners tricked into signing away their home. $157,622. Los Angeles County.
- Koreatown coffee shop sale turns ugly. $400K bench verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Law firms dispute sharing of $12 million fee award in class action. Bench verdict for defense.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- Negligent care at residential facility results in sexual abuse of minor. $12 million. Sacramento County.
- Nerve surgery goes beyond consent of patient. $1 million. Orange County.
- Real estate investment partners blame each other when investment fizzles. $1.2 million. Orange County.
- Real estate loans go sour and senior woman blames long-time broker. $1.18 million. U.S. Eastern District Bankruptcy Court.
- Ventral hernia surgery does not bring relief to patient, who needs subsequent surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Woman manages man's rental properties under loose agreement; embezzles money. $500K. Los Angeles County.
- Harassment
- Contract worker for Tesla experiences persistent racial harassment. $137M.
- Defense verdict in claim of racial discrimination by city librarian. Los Angeles County.
- Landlords repeatedly enter rented residence without notice, tenant claims harassment. $22,865. Los Angeles County.
- Nurse at state mental hospital claims supervisor harassed and endangered her. Defense. San Luis Obispo County.
- Orange County employee says she was constructively terminated. $1.2M. Orange County.
- Restaurant worker claims racial and sexual harassment, wrongful termination. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Santa Barbara inn fires food/beverage director for being "no spring chicken." $545K. Santa Barbara County.
- Highlighted Verdicts
- Motorcyclist claims dangerous condition of county road. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Negligent hiring: New employee takes company truck and causes accident. Defense verdict. Alameda County.
- San Francisco cabbie abandons passenger at ATM in high-crime area. $7.8M. San Francisco County.
- Sexual harassment claimed after men develop a relationship. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Industrial Accident
- Infringement
- Insurance Broker Negligence
- Insurance Subrogation, Recovery, Indemnity
- Insurance – Bad Faith, Claims Handling
- $300,00 for emotional damages in bad-faith UIM claim. Los Angeles County.
- $8 million verdict for insurance bad faith after elderly man’s home is destroyed by fire. Los Angeles County.
- Bad-faith against GEICO for handling of property damage auto claim. $326,000. Los Angeles County.
- Bad-faith claim against title insurer for denial of coverage for "lack of legal access" to home. $1.5M. Riverside County.
- Burglarized business sues insurer for bad faith. $542K. Los Angeles County.
- Child hit by car after leaving ice cream truck; ice cream seller said negligent. $21.1 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Defense verdict in insurance bad-faith case. San Mateo County.
- Defense verdict in UIM bad-faith claim against Mid-Century. Napa County.
- Fire insurer refuses to pay after fire destroys leased building. $7.8M. Monterey County.
- HMO provider group of physicians does not provide timely hand surgery. $7.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Insurance company adds to family's woes after extensive water damage; bad faith. $1.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Insurer delays payment after business loss; $5 million bad-faith verdict after $250K offer. Riverside County.
- Insurer lowballs repair payments on damaged restaurant building. $10.5 million for bad faith + punitives. Stanislaus County.
- Insurer refuses to pay $139K business burglary claim; $2.5 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Med-mal case against Kaiser goes to trial when arbitration clause is beaten. $28 million gross. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff fails to beat carrier's 998 offer in breach of contract and bad-faith claim. $78,689. San Francisco County.
- Plaintiff with catastrophic injuries says $15K policy limit demand not properly accepted, policy is open. Defense. Riverside County.
- Renters suffer mold damage; insurer mishandles claim. $100K. San Diego County.
- RV insurance claim denied after fire. $8.4M. Riverside County.
- UM excess-limits carrier refuses to pay wrongful death, then interpleads policy limits. $451,112 bad-faith judgment. Los Angeles County.
- Intentional Concealment
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
- $4 million award against SC Edison when "stray electrical current" forces plaintiff from her home. Los Angeles County.
- Adoptive father sexually abuses girl. $750K. Fresno County.
- Caretaker for elderly misclassified as independent contractor. $3M. Riverside County.
- Claims of excessive force by bar security guards. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Female physician at UCLA claims gender discrimination by male doctors. $14M. Los Angeles County.
- Fraud claimed when plaintiff seeks to reinstate home loan. $3.7M. Riverside County.
- Hispanic cousins claim excessive force by Long Beach police officers. $1.625 million.
- Inmate claims painkiller from prison docs was not enough. $120,000.
- Mechanic sues after he is told that boss referred to him by using the "N" word. $176K. Orange County.
- Member of spiritual center accuses her advisor of sexual assault. $177K. Los Angeles County.
- Neighbor's junk and security cameras cause emotional distress and invasion of privacy. $59K. Los Angeles County.
- Supervisors stage fake armed robbery to test cashiers. $360,000 for emotional distress. Kern County.
- UPS supervisor receives $18 million verdict for wrongful termination/retaliation. Los Angeles County.
- Ventral hernia surgery does not bring relief to patient, who needs subsequent surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Interference with Prospective Economic Advantage
- Invasion of Privacy
- Adoptive father sexually abuses girl. $750K. Fresno County.
- Lawyer sues credit card company for recording call. $5,200 plus arbitration costs.
- Neighbor's junk and security cameras cause emotional distress and invasion of privacy. $59K. Los Angeles County.
- Santa Monica apartment tenant awarded damages for invasion of privacy by landlord. $825K. Los Angeles County.
- Security guard fails drug test and is terminated. $40K offered. $1 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Labor Code Violation
- Broadcasting company knowingly hires employee's prior harasser. $1.2M. Ventura County.
- Employee misclassified as contractor loses other claims. $24.8K. Alameda County.
- LA sanitation truck drivers not provided proper meal breaks. $26 million settlement.
- Police captain has higher aspirations, claims retaliation when not promoted further. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Recreational program employee complains of sexual harassment by supervisor; both are fired. $9.1M. San Diego County.
- Union steward faces retaliation after confronting management at LA County Social Services workplace. $3.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Landlord-Tenant Issues
- $200,000 for fraudulent eviction in violation of LA Rent Ordinance. Los Angeles County.
- Apartment management company refuses to deal with bedbugs and blames tenant. $465K. Los Angeles County.
- Apt. complex gate malfunctions, fractures tenant's arm as he tries to fix it. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Landlords repeatedly enter rented residence without notice, tenant claims harassment. $22,865. Los Angeles County.
- Large apartment complex infested with bedbugs for years. $3.5M. Los Angeles County
- Property owner refuses to pay for bedbug extermination. $104,400. Kern County.
- Santa Monica apartment tenant awarded damages for invasion of privacy by landlord. $825K. Los Angeles County.
- Tenants fight back when landlord closes courtyard used by children. $370K incl. punitives. San Francisco County.
- Tenants suffer bed bug infestation in apartment. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Uninhabitable rental units result in verdict for three separate plaintiffs. San Francisco County.
- Legal Malpractice
- Bankruptcy lawyers' negligence blamed for loss of homes and business. Defense. Sacramento County.
- Defense verdict for legal mal for plaintiff's attorney sued following wrongful termination action. Placer County.
- Inventor loses patent, blames law office negligence. $61.5M. San Diego County.
- Lawyer, others promise home loan modifications. Fraud. $96K. Orange County.
- Legal malpractice claim follows construction site accident. $1.5M. Orange County.
- Legal malpractice claimed in divorce settlement. Defense. San Diego County.
- Legal Malpractice, misappropriation of funds. $40,000 award including punitives. San Bernardino County.
- Loss of Consortium
- Asbestos fibers brought home from workplace cause death. $11.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Bicyclist and his wife awarded over $4.75 million after car driver deemed responsible for accident. San Diego County.
- Doctor shoots Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) into patient's eye, causing permanent damage. $213K. San Luis Obispo County.
- Hair transplant goes wrong for 70-year-old patient, results in med-mal gross verdict of $2.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff physician claims accident caused TBI. Defense verdict. Contra Costa County.
- Surgeon blamed for plaintiff's renal failure. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Ventral hernia surgery does not bring relief to patient, who needs subsequent surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Malicious Prosecution
- Maritime (See also "Boating")
- Medical Malpractice
- $12 million for med mal and medical device product liability, including punitives. San Diego County.
- $552,000 for physician’s assistant’s negligence resulting in delayed surgery for wrist injury. Los Angeles County.
- $74.5 million med-mal verdict to child born with cerebral palsy. San Luis Obispo.
- Abdominal pain sends plaintiff to ER, surgeon removes appendix, fallopian tube and ovary. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Anesthesiologist's errors said to result in paralysis and brain damage for patient. $28.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Aspiration warnings for 73-year-old hospital patient ignored by staff. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Brain damage results from bleeding during heart surgery, leaves patient in vegetative state. $68M. Fresno County.
- Cancer patient left incontinent, impotent after radical prostatectomy, blames surgeon. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Cause of subdural hematoma disputed in med-mal case. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Defense offers $150,000 in hospice sexual assault case. Defense verdict. Riverside County.
- Dentist extracts wisdom teeth, patient has ongoing pain from jaw and nerve damage. $500K. Monterey County.
- Diabetic says urologist mistreated his kidney stone. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Doc botches hernia surgery, damaging nerves. No offer. $573,208 verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor dies after heart treatment at Kaiser. $2.6 million net arbitration award. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor negligently treats seriously ill man who refuses hospitalization, later dies. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor shoots Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) into patient's eye, causing permanent damage. $213K. San Luis Obispo County.
- Elderly dementia patient falls and breaks hip at imaging center. $443K. Riverside County.
- Failure to diagnose cancer leads to amputation of finger and $150,000 jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Failure to perform timely C-section leads to cerebral palsy. $9,609,305 bench verdict plus earlier settlement.
- Hair transplant goes wrong for 70-year-old patient, results in med-mal gross verdict of $2.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Hemorrhagic stroke blamed on delayed CT scan in hospital. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- HMO provider group of physicians does not provide timely hand surgery. $7.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Hospital staff neglects to consider child abuse when infant is brought to ER. $8.4M. Amador County.
- Intoxicated patient discharged from hospital and then an Amtrak train runs over his legs. $28.6M.
- Med mal: Patient dies after Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Med malpractice claimed after finger surgery results in later amputation. Defense. Riverside County.
- Med malpractice claimed after skin tear during surgery. $165K. Los Angeles County.
- Med-mal case against Kaiser goes to trial when arbitration clause is beaten. $28 million gross. Los Angeles County.
- Med-mal claim related to breast cancer treatment. Defense verdict. Sacramento County.
- Medical malpractice alleged during hysterectomy. $308K. Alameda County.
- Medical malpractice claimed after post-surgical infection requires above-the-knee amputation. $532K.
- Mother developing pneumonia calls Kaiser nurse advice line, is not seen by docs until it is too late. $2.74 million award. Alameda County.
- Mother dies shortly after giving birth at hospital. $10.8M. San Bernardino County.
- Nerve surgery goes beyond consent of patient. $1 million. Orange County.
- Nurse, a patient, claims malpractice in pain control by ER staff. Defense. San Diego County.
- Office worker sprains ankle, says care by Kaiser was negligent. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Out-patient gynecological surgery results in death of 40-year-old. Defense. Fresno County.
- Patient with lower-leg pain says hospital docs failed to diagnose hip fracture. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Pediatrician fails to hospitalize infant, who dies of pneumonia. $2M. San Bernardino County.
- Placement of screw during bunion surgery contested. $140K. San Bernardino County.
- Plaintiff claims delayed diagnosis/repair of perforation during surgery. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff claims therapist had sex with her. $1.75M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff left with ongoing medical issues after cosmetic facial injections. $281K. Orange County.
- Plaintiff loses ability to get pregnant after fibroid removal surgery, sues for med mal. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff says orthopedist missed diagnosis of cervical myelopathy. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Plaintiff sues over infection after rhinoplasty. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff suffers hemiparesis after revision back surgery. $1.7M. Ventura County.
- Podiatric surgery and post-surgical care called negligent. Defense verdict. Sacramento County.
- Preemie suffers stomach perforation from feeding tube. $727K verdict. Los Angeles.
- Psych hospital nurse improperly assesses patient, who then attacks another patient. $5.9 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Stillborn birth blamed on medical malpractice during labor. $500K. Riverside County.
- Student misses out on law school and Olympic dream due to botched gallstone surgery. $7.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Subdural hematoma w/craniotomy results in malpractice claim against Coumadin Clinic. Defense. San Diego County.
- Surgeon blamed for plaintiff's renal failure. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Surgeon injures vertebral artery, causing stroke. Permanent neurological damage. $628,497 award. San Diego County.
- Surgeon's error damages digestive system; $605K settlement at trial. Riverside County.
- Surgical patient says hospital failed to give pathology report to her doctors. $1.7 million before MICRA. Orange County.
- Twin suffers birth injury, claims OB-GYN performed below standard of care during birth. $26M. Sonoma County.
- Two feeding tubes punctured lungs, causing wrongful death. $1.5M, reduced by MICRA. Los Angeles County.
- Undiagnosed heart disease leads to heart attack after surgery. $1.7M arb award. San Bernardino County.
- Ventral hernia surgery does not bring relief to patient, who needs subsequent surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Young man suffers permanent brain damage when UC Davis ER docs fail to evaluate for stroke. $15.3M. Sacramento County.
- MIST (Minor impact, soft tissue)
- 19-year-old injured in rear-ender waits 17 days to seek treatment. $750K. Kern County.
- Collision between auto and semi-truck. Defense. Orange County.
- Defendant disputes extent of injuries after U-turn collision. $292K. San Diego County.
- Disputed injuries after low-impact rear-ender. $60K jury verdict. Alameda County.
- Insurer denies MIST claim after admitting liability. $14,038 total. San Diego County.
- MIST case - aggravation of shoulder injury in senior tennis player. Defense. Orange County.
- MIST case flagged SIU by State Farm. $260K verdict. Los Angeles County.
- MIST case: plaintiff w/ pre-existing conditions receives verdict for $1 million. Los Angeles County.
- MIST double-impact rear-ender, directed verdict on causation. $40K. San Diego County.
- Pedestrian MIST case involving course of employment. $962K. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender aggravates plaintiff's pre-existing, asymptomatic spine condition. $34K. San Diego County.
- Rear-ender, MIST, lower-back sprains. $32K. Los Angeles County.
- Negligence
- "Pat down" of suspect in dangerous location causes his death. $12M. Los Angeles County.
- $36 million for Indian couple hit by big rig. Severe spinal injury. Riverside County.
- $4 million award against SC Edison when "stray electrical current" forces plaintiff from her home. Los Angeles County.
- $4.5 million verdict for minors abused by school teacher. San Diego County.
- 20-year-old makes evasive maneuver, loses control and crashes into parked truck. $30M. Ventura County.
- Addict commits suicide at detox center. $11M. Santa Cruz County.
- After fall, safety of step at commercial building entrance is disputed. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Apartment tenant/maintenance man is attacked by a regular visitor to the complex. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Apt. complex gate malfunctions, fractures tenant's arm as he tries to fix it. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Asbestos fibers brought home from workplace cause death. $11.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Baseball comes through netting, strikes man in crotch. $600K. Stanislaus County.
- Breach of care and negligence claimed in residential facility for elderly (RCFE). $2M. Los Angeles County.
- Car rolls as plaintiff attempts to sit in seat, claims valet at fault. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Cause/extent of injuries disputed in grocery store accident. $886K. Los Angeles County.
- Charging dog startled plaintiff, who fell and broke wrist. $254K. Los Angeles County.
- Child is injured in home after social worker closes case. $113M. San Bernardino County.
- City truck runs over beachgoer. $2.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Construction worker falls to his death from concrete form. $26.9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Contractor assaulted at commercial property claims brain injury. $1.9M. Orange County.
- Contractors attempt to set up traffic break without CHP, resulting in crash. $5.5M. San Luis Obispo County.
- Dash cam proves that taxi cab ran red light. $1.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Defendant disputes need for knee replacements after rear-ender. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Defendants admit liability, but dispute cause of injuries in left-turn crash. $2.36M. San Mateo County.
- Dentist extracts wisdom teeth, patient has ongoing pain from jaw and nerve damage. $500K. Monterey County.
- Diabetic man dies in hotel room, housekeeper blamed. Defense. Orange County.
- Disputed liability and injuries in motorcycle accident. $3.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Distracted sheriff's deputy rear-ends woman's car. $5.2M. Orange County.
- Drunken plaintiff enters defendants' home while they sleep and is shot. Defense judgment. San Mateo County.
- DUI tree trimmer has no driver's license, crosses center line and strikes couple's van. $83.8M. San Bernardino County
- Employee claims negligence against railroad employer after truck catches fire. $1.9M. Fresno County.
- Employer said negligent after one employee attacks another. $1.9 million. Solano County.
- Fatal highway accident blamed on faulty manufacture of motor home. Defense verdict. Sonoma County.
- Fireman's Fund retirees say company-sponsored financial education seminars led to loss of retirement savings. $36.8 million verdict. Marin County.
- Fog and negligence involved in tractor trailer crash. $5.3M. Kings County.
- Forklift backs up into security guard, drags him 15 feet; leg amputation. $16.9M. Riverside County.
- Former cheerleader fractures elbow from fall in stunt while working for free on a film. $2.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Fraud claimed when plaintiff seeks to reinstate home loan. $3.7M. Riverside County.
- Garage door falls on tenant but landlord says injury was from auto accident. $2.8M. Sacramento County.
- Guest falls onto slope at racquet club, claims negligence. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Gym customer trips; defense falls apart over waiver. $636K. Los Angeles County.
- Highway collision with big rig. $750K verdict, followed by settlement. Monterey County.
- Hospital liable when physical therapy assistant sexually assaults patient. $1.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Hospital staff neglects to consider child abuse when infant is brought to ER. $8.4M. Amador County.
- Hot coffee spill in McDonald's drive-thru. $145K. San Diego County.
- Intoxicated patient discharged from hospital and then an Amtrak train runs over his legs. $28.6M.
- Jiu Jitsu sparring move renders plaintiff a quadriplegic. $46.4M. San Diego County.
- Jury finds school district negligently hired bus driver who then molested 8-year-old girl. San Joaquin County.
- LADWP employee crashes into motorcycle during unprotected left turn. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Large apartment complex infested with bedbugs for years. $3.5M. Los Angeles County
- Low-speed crash at 4-way stop. $513K. Los Angeles County.
- Male student sexually assaulted by another male student awarded $1.4 million against Boys and Girls Club. Orange County.
- Man dies in crash between two pickup trucks. $5M. Stanislaus County.
- Marine injured in left-turn motorcycle crash. $4M. Orange County.
- Member of spiritual center accuses her advisor of sexual assault. $177K. Los Angeles County.
- Minor sex-abuse victim claims negligence by wife of perpetrator. State Farm policy opened up, says plaintiff. $46M.
- MIST case flagged SIU by State Farm. $260K verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Motorcycle struck by pickup; course and scope of employment at issue; $11.9 million. Contra Costa County.
- Negligence claimed at residential care facility. $5.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Negligent care at residential facility results in sexual abuse of minor. $12 million. Sacramento County.
- Negligent hiring: New employee takes company truck and causes accident. Defense verdict. Alameda County.
- Nursing home staff fails to follow procedures to prevent pressure sores. Wrongful death. $1.6M arbitration award.
- Oily substance in trash room at mall causes store employee to slip and fall. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Parking lot confrontation turns into beating. $268K gross. Sacramento County.
- Partial quadriplegia results when van is rear-ended. $21.5M jury verdict. Madera County.
- Passenger at LAX slips and falls in bathroom. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Passenger in a medical transport van is injured during a collision at intersection. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Passenger sustains neck and low-back injuries in rear-ender, makes $2 million demand. $11.2K. Los Angeles County.
- Patron alleges sexual battery by employee in restroom at bar. $5.42 million. Los Angeles County.
- Performer's stage dive at pre-Grammy show is shown to injure plaintiff. $4.5M. Los Angeles.
- Pesticide application at adjacent business sickens plaintiff, results in claimed long-term injuries. $8M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats 998 in Walmart trip-and-fall. $2.45M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff claims negligence after deputy assisting her caused a fence plank to hit her in face. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff falls and breaks her leg while showering her mother in nursing home. $1.3M. Monterey County.
- Plaintiff injured when friendly bartender jumps on him. $148K. Orange County.
- Plaintiff physician claims accident caused TBI. Defense verdict. Contra Costa County.
- Plaintiff rear-ends tractor-trailer that merged slowly onto freeway at night. $1.45M. Orange County.
- Pool installer injured in gas explosion. $6.5 million gross, reduced by contributory negligence. Riverside County.
- Post-surgical complications disputed after admitted liability in crash. $21M. Los Angeles County.
- Property damage claim litigated after minor sideswipe. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender aggravates plaintiff's pre-existing, asymptomatic spine condition. $34K. San Diego County.
- Resident falls multiple times in nursing home and suffers stroke during emergency evacuation. $32M. Sonoma County.
- San Francisco cabbie abandons passenger at ATM in high-crime area. $7.8M. San Francisco County.
- School district found negligent in its supervision when middle school teacher repeatedly molests student. $8 million. Los Angeles County.
- School staff fails to use AED to help student after collapse. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- School's lack of defibrillator said to be a cause in death of football player. $8M. Alameda County.
- Slip and fall near restroom results in a fractured knee in restaurant. $850K. Los Angeles County.
- Summer BBQ ends in broken facial bones for plaintiff. Defense verdict. Fresno County.
- SUV owners blame tire shop after their tire blows out, causing rollover. Defense verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Ten residents claim elder abuse and neglect at nursing home. $13.5M. Alameda County.
- Toyota dealership negligently repairs SUV leading to freeway breakdown and injury. $2.17 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Trial to determine if rebar company liable for one or two accidents involving plaintiff. $10.7 million gross. Alameda County.
- Untrained security guard knocks man to the ground, causing injury. $2.3M. Los Angeles County.
- US Military Jet Crash nets $17.8 million award. San Diego County.
- Varsity football kicker's knee severely injured in trampoline park. $905K. Orange County.
- Workplace accident at home improvement store. $2.9M. Orange County.
- Young autistic man struck by a car after caretaker loses him. $6.2M. Orange County.
- Nuisance, Private
- Neighbor's junk and security cameras cause emotional distress and invasion of privacy. $59K. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff files claims against neighbors regarding tree maintenance. Defense wins costs. Alameda County.
- Water intrusion from nearby hotel forces restaurant to close. $112K. Ventura County.
- Police Shooting
- $8.75 million verdict in L.A. Sheriff excessive force/wrongful death case. Los Angeles County.
- Boy, 15, holding toy gun is shot in Palmdale by LA County sheriff's deputy. $1.1 million award. Los Angeles County.
- Excessive force claimed when 7 officers respond to vandalism call. Wrongful shooting death. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- LAPD officer shoots 13-year-old boy playing with pellet gun after dark. $19.2 million net award. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff shot by LAPD rubber bullet. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Police shooting results in wrongful death claim. Defense. Santa Clara County.
- Unarmed robbery suspect shot by Culver City police. Minor children awarded $8.8 million. Los Angeles County.
- Premises Liability
- $1.6 million verdict to conference attendee injured when vehicle jumps curb at hotel. Orange County.
- $135,250 for brachial plexus injury when metal bar falls from retail shelving. Riverside County.
- $55 million against security company at apartment complex after gang shooting. San Bernardino County.
- $7.5 million verdict for chiropractor’s slip and fall in Starbucks. San Diego County.
- $9.9 million net verdict for 70-year-old in trip and fall at restaurant. Los Angeles County.
- 72-year-old immigrant trips in planter at his doc's office. $75K offer. $782K net verdict. Orange County.
- 90-year-old woman knocked to floor by door inside restaurant. $185K. Los Angeles County.
- After fall, safety of step at commercial building entrance is disputed. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Apt. complex gate malfunctions, fractures tenant's arm as he tries to fix it. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- As costumer leaves stage, she falls into an unguarded hole. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Baseball comes through netting, strikes man in crotch. $600K. Stanislaus County.
- Breaking chair leads to verdict of $85,529. Los Angeles County.
- Claims of excessive force by bar security guards. Defense verdict. San Diego County.
- Complete hamstring avulsion injury after Walmart slip-and-fall. $3.1M. San Joaquin County.
- Construction worker's fall blamed on unsafe conditions. $2.8M. Los Angeles County.
- Costco customer struck by vehicle in outdoor food court. $2 million verdict plus $590K settlement. Los Angeles County.
- Dangerous condition of City of Long Beach bike path. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Decedent's mesothelioma caused by father's employment. $12.9M. Alameda County.
- Defense verdict in slip and fall at apartment complex. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor with rare medical condition says fall exacerbated his physical limitations. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Esthetician slips on wet paint, causing long-term pain to her left hand. $7,885. San Diego County.
- Failure to warn of traffic danger is claimed when motorcyclist dies. $5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Fire alarm inspector falls from defendant's work ladder. $2.2 million. San Luis Obispo County.
- Guest falls onto slope at racquet club, claims negligence. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Hatch door to roof of shopping mall injures lighting technician. $12.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Hole in restaurant kitchen floor is left unguarded, vendor falls. $867K. San Joaquin County.
- Hot tea spilled in restaurant causes burns, irreparable scarring. Jury awards $140,000. Los Angeles County.
- Hotel shower head pops off and causes injury. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Hotel's history with bed bugs comes back to bite them with punitive damages. $546.5K San Bernardino County.
- Independent contractor falls off platform while giving a tour. $1.68M. Los Angeles County.
- Indoor rock-climbing facility blamed for plaintiff's injuries. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Laborer doing electrical work is electrocuted on job site. $14.3 million awarded. Fresno County.
- Makeshift step on TV production site leads to ankle fracture. $715K. Los Angeles County.
- Manhole cover in bike lane said to be cause of cyclist's crash. $6.7M. Santa Cruz County.
- Oily substance in trash room at mall causes store employee to slip and fall. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Owner/builder of commercial building liable for worker's fall. $12.3M. Stanislaus County.
- Passenger at LAX slips and falls in bathroom. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Patron alleges sexual battery by employee in restroom at bar. $5.42 million. Los Angeles County.
- Performer's stage dive at pre-Grammy show is shown to injure plaintiff. $4.5M. Los Angeles.
- Plaintiff beat 998 after a stairway fall. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats 998 in Walmart trip-and-fall. $2.45M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff develops cancer after unknowingly buying contaminated property. $63M. Santa Barbara County.
- Plaintiff slips on water at an apartment building. $279K. Alameda County.
- Plaintiff suffers TBI after falling down stairs in office building. $12.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff with alleged BAL of .32 falls down outside stairs at her apartment, owner/manager 60% negligent. San Francisco County.
- Resident of senior apartment complex trips on low barrier. $3.5M. Yolo County.
- Slip and fall near restroom results in a fractured knee in restaurant. $850K. Los Angeles County.
- Slip and fall on wet grass of apartment complex. $2.7M gross; $695K net. Santa Cruz County.
- Slip-and-fall on residential walkway known to be slippery when wet. $2.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Soft tissue injuries in slip and fall. $215K. Sacramento County.
- Student slips on wet floor at middle school. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Target found negligent when elderly woman falls over a stepladder in aisle. $1.7 million. San Diego County.
- Trip and fall on drain in lawn at mobile home park. $311,899 awarded. San Diego County.
- Trip-and-fall at House of Blues results in elbow injury, chronic pain. $700,000. Los Angeles County.
- Truck driver is run over by his own rig during altercation over truck making a turn on private business property. $9.3 million. Fresno County.
- Truck driver unloading hay falls off ladder as he climbs to top of load. $3.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Two-pound aluminum light-pole cap falls on man's head, causes dementia. $22.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Varsity football kicker's knee severely injured in trampoline park. $905K. Orange County.
- Wet floor at movie theater causes slip and fall. $1.8M. Los Angeles County.
- Wet floor in restaurant doorway blamed for slip and fall. $1.46M. San Bernardino County.
- Products Liability
- $11.3 million for driver injured when truck’s defective wheel hub fails. San Francisco County.
- $12 million for med mal and medical device product liability, including punitives. San Diego County.
- $5 million awarded to elderly parents when scuba diver dies due to defective equipment. Los Angeles County.
- $8.3 million verdict when worker falls as he tries to escape runaway construction hoist. San Francisco County.
- $9.2 million verdict in first Zimmer hip-implant case. Los Angeles County.
- 2001 Nissan Xterra suddenly, unintentionally accelerates. $36M. Yolo County.
- Auto mechanic wins $6.8 million verdict against Ford Motor Co. for mesothelioma. Alameda County.
- Auto mechanic worked on brakes, dies of mesothelioma. $10.9 million gross verdict. Fresno County.
- Chemical in Monsanto weed killers said to cause terminal illness. $289M. San Francisco County.
- Decedent's mesothelioma caused by father's employment. $12.9M. Alameda County.
- Defective TV catches fire; plaintiff's daughter dies in fire. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Defective wheelchair causes injury to disabled man. $9.8 million. San Diego County.
- Design defect of pipe-grooving power tool claimed. $3.97M. San Francisco County.
- Fatal highway accident blamed on faulty manufacture of motor home. Defense verdict. Sonoma County.
- Jet ski crashes into boat that suddenly turns in front of it. $21.7 million product liability and negligence. Los Angeles County.
- Jury awards $1.885 million when e-cigarette charger starts a fire. Riverside County.
- Mazda's design of driver seat determined to be substantial cause of injuries. $14.9 million. Alameda County.
- Mesothelioma: Plaintiff worked with asbestos in Iran. $5.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Monsanto's Roundup blamed for cancer. $2 billion. Alameda County.
- Plaintiff's TMJ is exacerbated when she bites down on metal in sandwich from market. $200K. Los Angeles County.
- Pressure cooker explodes, burns plaintiff. $4.95M. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-center-seat passenger in older Toyota has no shoulder restraint, suffers paraplegia. $11.7 million verdict after no offer. Monterey County.
- Research scientist develops mesothelioma after years of working with lab equipment containing asbestos. $16.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Varsity football kicker's knee severely injured in trampoline park. $905K. Orange County.
- Woman says Foster Farms chicken was contaminated, made her ill. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Worker dies operating rock-crushing machine. $30 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death due to mesothelioma. $8.87M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death of truck driver when fuel tanks explode. $12M. Los Angeles County.
- Yamaha Waverunner explodes on launch ramp, killing owner. $21.3M. San Bernardino County.
- Professional Malpractice
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Condemnation
- Real Estate Fraud, Misrepresentation
- Recreational Activities and Assumption of Risk
- Security
- $55 million against security company at apartment complex after gang shooting. San Bernardino County.
- Beating by bar's security guard causes TBI. $9.25M. Los Angeles County.
- Patron alleges sexual battery by employee in restroom at bar. $5.42 million. Los Angeles County.
- Untrained security guard knocks man to the ground, causing injury. $2.3M. Los Angeles County.
- Sexual Abuse
- $1.3 million verdict to special ed student molested by another student. Los Angeles County.
- $4.5 million verdict for minors abused by school teacher. San Diego County.
- $5.5 million verdict after teacher engages in ongoing sexual contact with teen student. San Bernardino County.
- $6.9 million verdict against school district (LAUSD) when 10-year-old male student is molested by teacher. Los Angeles County.
- Adoptive father sexually abuses girl. $750K. Fresno County.
- Defense offers $150,000 in hospice sexual assault case. Defense verdict. Riverside County.
- Director of after-school program "grooms" boy for years before sexually abusing him. $25M. Los Angeles County.
- Gym childcare facility sued when young girl is molested by older boy. $13M. Riverside County.
- High school track coach raped student in the 1990s. $35M. Los Angeles County.
- Jury finds school district negligently hired bus driver who then molested 8-year-old girl. San Joaquin County.
- Male student sexually assaulted by another male student awarded $1.4 million against Boys and Girls Club. Orange County.
- Minor sex-abuse victim claims negligence by wife of perpetrator. State Farm policy opened up, says plaintiff. $46M.
- Negligent care at residential facility results in sexual abuse of minor. $12 million. Sacramento County.
- Parents claim local businessman sexually touched young female child. Defense. San Joaquin County.
- Plaintiffs complain of massages given by track coach. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Record $28 million verdict for a single plaintiff against a religious organization. Alameda County.
- Referee has sexual relationship with underage female water polo player. $2.0 million net verdict. San Bernardino County.
- School district coach/security guard sexually abuses male teen at high school. $25M. Santa Barbara County.
- Sexual abuse of child continues after county social workers involved. $45.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Sexual harassment of 13-year-old student by 35-year-old teacher. $2 million settlement at trial. Los Angeles County.
- Special Ed paraprofessional grooms and sexually abuses student. $13M. Los Angeles County.
- Teenage boys molested by AA sponsor; $10,000 CCP 998 offer. $6.5 million verdict. San Diego County.
- Three foster children sexually abused, private foster agency blamed. $24.8M. Sonoma County.
- Sexual Battery
- Adoptive father sexually abuses girl. $750K. Fresno County.
- Company owner sexually batters employee at company dinner. $1.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Hospital liable when physical therapy assistant sexually assaults patient. $1.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Parents claim local businessman sexually touched young female child. Defense. San Joaquin County.
- Patron alleges sexual battery by employee in restroom at bar. $5.42 million. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff claims constructive termination after repeated sexual battery. $58M. Los Angeles County.
- Production company exec accused of sexual harassment and battery. $5M. Los Angeles County.
- Sexual harassment claimed after men develop a relationship. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Woman claims sexual assault by hotel massage therapist. Defense verdict. Alameda County.
- Sexual Harassment
- $1.25 million verdict when shopping mall owner sexually harasses manager, demands sex. Riverside County.
- $167 million record verdict for wrongful termination of surgical aide at Catholic hospital. Sacramento County.
- Broadcasting company knowingly hires employee's prior harasser. $1.2M. Ventura County.
- City of Oakland employee harassed by supervisor. $2.62M. Alameda County.
- Company owner sexually batters employee at company dinner. $1.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Correctional officer claims retaliation after reporting on-the-job sexual harassment. $752K. Plumas County.
- Coworker sexually harasses truck driver. $2.6M. Santa Cruz County.
- Dentist sexually harasses assistant. $1.7 million bench verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Lawyer tries to intervene in ongoing sexual harassment by prominent yogi and is fired. $7.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Medical center denies claims of sexual harassment by co-worker. $775K arb award. Los Angeles County.
- Nurse at state mental hospital claims supervisor harassed and endangered her. Defense. San Luis Obispo County.
- Plaintiff claims constructive termination after repeated sexual battery. $58M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiffs allege sexual harassment and retaliation at So. Cal. Edison. $464M. Los Angeles County.
- Production company exec accused of sexual harassment and battery. $5M. Los Angeles County.
- Recreational program employee complains of sexual harassment by supervisor; both are fired. $9.1M. San Diego County.
- Restaurant worker claims racial and sexual harassment, wrongful termination. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- SCE manager sexually harassed female employee and others for years. $1.58 million total arb award.
- Secretary says hugs and touching distressed her, claims sexual harassment by high-ranking sheriff. $60K. San Diego County.
- Sexual harassment claimed after men develop a relationship. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Sexual harassment of 13-year-old student by 35-year-old teacher. $2 million settlement at trial. Los Angeles County.
- Soledad prison office technician is sexually harassed by co-workers. $709K. Monterey County.
- Winery ignores evidence against manager who sexually harasses female employees. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination after wage-and-hour violations and sexual harassment. $583K. Orange County.
- Wrongful termination of senior manager. $4M. San Diego County.
- Sidewalk Accident
- 72-year-old immigrant trips in planter at his doc's office. $75K offer. $782K net verdict. Orange County.
- Dangerous sidewalk over freeway causes fall, $1.77 million verdict. Demanded $399,999. Santa Clara County.
- Woman trips at night on raised sidewalk. Jury awards $493,000 and defendant made no offer. Los Angeles County.
- Slip and Fall
- $7.5 million verdict for chiropractor’s slip and fall in Starbucks. San Diego County.
- $9.9 million net verdict for 70-year-old in trip and fall at restaurant. Los Angeles County.
- 72-year-old immigrant trips in planter at his doc's office. $75K offer. $782K net verdict. Orange County.
- Complete hamstring avulsion injury after Walmart slip-and-fall. $3.1M. San Joaquin County.
- Contract laborer injured while working in factory on top of a railroad car, says workers' comp exclusive remedy does not apply. $58M. Los Angeles County.
- Defense verdict in slip and fall at apartment complex. Los Angeles County.
- Esthetician slips on wet paint, causing long-term pain to her left hand. $7,885. San Diego County.
- McDonald's admits liability in slip and fall. $18M. Los Angeles County.
- Oily substance in trash room at mall causes store employee to slip and fall. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Ongoing low-back pain due to slip and fall. $806K. Riverside County.
- Passenger at LAX slips and falls in bathroom. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff develops CRPS after slip and fall in theatre. $9M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff slips on spilled cat litter in grocery store and sustains lumbar spine injuries. $2.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff slips on water at an apartment building. $279K. Alameda County.
- Plaintiff suffers TBI after falling down stairs in office building. $12.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff with alleged BAL of .32 falls down outside stairs at her apartment, owner/manager 60% negligent. San Francisco County.
- Plaintiff with multiple prior injuries slips/falls on wet floor at hotel. $208K. Placer County.
- Slip and fall in grocery store. $116K. San Diego County.
- Slip and fall near restroom results in a fractured knee in restaurant. $850K. Los Angeles County.
- Slip and fall on tile stairway at medical building leads to claim of TBI. $2.6 million. Sonoma County.
- Slip and fall on wet grass of apartment complex. $2.7M gross; $695K net. Santa Cruz County.
- Slip-and-fall on residential walkway known to be slippery when wet. $2.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Soft tissue injuries in slip and fall. $215K. Sacramento County.
- Student slips on wet floor at middle school. $1M. Los Angeles County.
- Wet floor at movie theater causes slip and fall. $1.8M. Los Angeles County.
- Wet floor in Dollar General store causes slip and fall. $367K. Stanislaus County.
- Wet floor in restaurant doorway blamed for slip and fall. $1.46M. San Bernardino County.
- Woman trips at night on raised sidewalk. Jury awards $493,000 and defendant made no offer. Los Angeles County.
- Spoliation of Evidence
- Strict Liability
- Toxins
- Auto mechanic wins $6.8 million verdict against Ford Motor Co. for mesothelioma. Alameda County.
- Mesothelioma causes death of auto parts worker: $11 million gross verdict for family. Alameda County.
- Pesticide application at adjacent business sickens plaintiff, results in claimed long-term injuries. $8M. Los Angeles County.
- Trip and Fall
- City of Long Beach disputes liability in sidewalk trip and fall. $145K. Los Angeles County.
- Guest falls onto slope at racquet club, claims negligence. Defense verdict. Orange County.
- Gym customer trips; defense falls apart over waiver. $636K. Los Angeles County.
- Patron of gas station claims dangerous condition of property after tripping, breaking tibia. $1.2M. Riverside County.
- Plaintiff beat 998 after a stairway fall. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats 998 in Walmart trip-and-fall. $2.45M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff fractures knee cap during charity run/walk. $1M. Orange County.
- Resident of senior apartment complex trips on low barrier. $3.5M. Yolo County.
- Server, age 59, tripped up at charity function. $1.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Sidewalk trip and fall in City of LA. $181.5K. Los Angeles County.
- Sidewalk trip and fall in Long Beach. $193K. Los Angeles County.
- Supermarket trip and fall. Back injury to "eggshell" plaintiff. $490K. Santa Clara County.
- Target found negligent when elderly woman falls over a stepladder in aisle. $1.7 million. San Diego County.
- Trip and fall in Westfield Culver City mall. $3.1 million. Los Angeles County.
- Underinsured Motorist
- $742K UIM arbitration award against Wesco Insurance Company. San Diego County.
- Allstate disputes causation, need for surgery in UIM case. $151K arb award.
- Arbitration award of $151,143 net after dispute over extent of injuries. Los Angeles County.
- Claimant passenger not wearing seat belt when car hit by underinsured motorist. Arb award of $809K.
- Defense verdict in UIM bad-faith claim against Mid-Century. Napa County.
- Extent of injury and treatment disputed by State Farm after crash. $227K arb award after low offer.
- Insurance company claims fraud after hit-and-run accident claim. $159K arbitration award.
- Insurer claims over-treatment in UIM case. $712.5K. San Diego County.
- Insurer disputes extent of injury and treatment after rear-ender UIM claim. $985K. San Joaquin County.
- Lowball offer by State Farm in UM rear-ender. $382K. Nevada County.
- Rear-ender results in UIM arbitration award. $59K. Los Angeles County.
- UIM arbitration award of $100,000 against Mercury Insurance.
- UIM claim results in an award less than settlement in underlying matter. Orange County.
- Underinsured motorist arbitration after low-impact rearender nets $520K. San Diego County.
- Uninsured motorist action follows injury to retiree after illegal u-turn. $48,250 arb award. Los Angeles.
- With only $15K insurance from liable party, insured makes UIM claim. $178K. Marin County.
- Unruh Act Violations
- Vehicles - Auto vs. Auto
- "Eggshell" plaintiff claims injuries from minor accident require surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- "Eggshell" plaintiff sustains knee, serious back and mental injuries, with lifetime disability. Causation disputed. $2.8 million. Sacramento County.
- $1.03 million verdict for neck and shoulder injuries in rear-ender; only $55,000 offered CCP 998. Los Angeles County.
- $152,500 verdict for back injuries in minor impact collision. Alameda County.
- $742K UIM arbitration award against Wesco Insurance Company. San Diego County.
- Actress/singer says rear-ender has prevented her from working. $30K. Los Angeles County.
- Admitted liability in car crash nets plaintiff $100K for back and neck injury. San Mateo County.
- Bar's insurer pays damage claim when truck strikes building, sues drivers that caused accident. $158,000. San Diego County.
- Causation/extent of injuries disputed after defendant backs out of driveway into plaintiff's car. $165K. San Diego County.
- Cause and extent of injury disputed after three-vehicle rear-ender. Los Angeles County.
- Cause and injuries disputed in vehicle collision. $3 million. Los Angeles County.
- City of Hanford tree trimmer crashes into elderly women's car. $17M. Kings County.
- Company truck rear-ends plaintiff, causes injury to neck and back. $6.6M. Stanislaus County.
- Defendant disputes extent of injuries after U-turn collision. $292K. San Diego County.
- Defendant disputes need for knee replacements after rear-ender. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant disputes need for two back surgeries after T-bone crash. $2.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant ran red light. $173K. San Bernardino County.
- Defendant runs red light, causing T-bone crash. $866K. Los Angeles County.
- Defendants admit liability, but dispute cause of injuries in left-turn crash. $2.36M. San Mateo County.
- Defendants dispute liability and damages in rear-ender. $147K. Fresno County.
- Defense offers $45K (CCP 998) in rearender, but jury says that's too much. $10K. Los Angeles County.
- Defense says gaps in treatment show unnecessary treatment after crash. $1.3M. Los Angeles County.
- Defense verdict after policy limit offer of $50k was refused in rear-ender with disputed causation. San Diego County.
- Defense wins in rear-ender, claims over-treatment and no causation. Los Angeles County.
- Diabetic blackout said to cause head-on collision. $3.2 million. Amador County.
- Disputed extent of injury in freeway rear-ender, over $800K non-economic award. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed injuries and causation to "eggshell" plaintiff, in rear-end accident. $359,485 verdict. Sacramento County.
- Disputed liability in freeway rear-ender ends in defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed nature and extent of injuries and damages in rear-ender. $220K. Santa Clara County.
- Driver is hit by drunk driver; quadriplegia. $125 million. Ventura County.
- Driver of Ram truck incurs spinal injuries after being rear-ended by smaller car. $137K. Contra Costa County.
- Driver overreacts to being cut off by unknown driver, collides with plaintiff. $76,984 net. Orange County.
- Driver's left-turn collision results in serious injuries to passenger. $2M. Orange County.
- Eggshell plaintiff experiences aggravation of prior neck injury after rear-ender. $38K. San Diego County.
- Eggshell plaintiff gets hit by driver making U-turn. $107K. San Diego County.
- Employer said responsible for intoxicated employee's auto accident. $15 million. Los Angeles County.
- Extent of attorney-referred treatment disputed after rear-ender. $100K. San Francisco County.
- Extent of injuries disputed after rear-ender at traffic light. $197K. Los Angeles County.
- Extent of injuries disputed in admitted-liability car crash. $335K. Santa Barbara County.
- Extent of injury and treatment disputed by State Farm after crash. $227K arb award after low offer.
- Extent of soft-tissue injuries disputed after rear-ender. $113K. Ventura County.
- Freeway rear-ender leads to low offer but $169,289 verdict for neck injuries. Orange County.
- Full-stop rear-ender, injury disputed. $23K. Placer County.
- Garage door falls on tenant but landlord says injury was from auto accident. $2.8M. Sacramento County.
- Gynecological injuries disputed by defense after defendant driver hits plaintiff's car twice. Defense verdict. Fresno County.
- Head-on collision kills plaintiffs' daughter. $3.5 million. San Bernardino County.
- Head-on collision results in MTBI, other injuries. $2.6M. San Bernardino County.
- Homeless ex-con on bike hits car door that's suddenly opened; $44K offer. $85K verdict. Santa Barbara County.
- Intersection collision involving three vehicles, back injury. $660K. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turn at intersection crash. $138K. Santa Barbara County.
- Left-turn collision results in neck, back injuries. $152K. Los Angeles County.
- Liability disputed as defendant crosses multiple lanes of traffic. $695K. Los Angeles County.
- Low verdict after $150K offer in highway crash. $60.8K. Los Angeles County.
- Low verdict in rear-ender after low settlement offer. $1,125. San Diego County.
- Low-speed crash at 4-way stop. $513K. Los Angeles County.
- Lowball offer by State Farm in UM rear-ender. $382K. Nevada County.
- Man dies in crash between two pickup trucks. $5M. Stanislaus County.
- Medical treatment delayed after T-bone accident. Defense offered $4K. $113,000 verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Multi-vehicle crash on freeway. $752K. Los Angeles County.
- Partial quadriplegia results when van is rear-ended. $21.5M jury verdict. Madera County.
- Passenger sustains neck and low-back injuries in rear-ender, makes $2 million demand. $11.2K. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats CCP 998 in lane-change crash with extent of injuries disputed. $898K. Kern County.
- Plaintiff beats CCP 998 in t-bone collision with disputed injuries. $1.9M. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff claims neck and low back injuries, has back surgery. $136,000 verdict. San Bernardino County.
- Plaintiff delays treatment for spine injury after U-turn crash. $1.14M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff incurs TBI, hip and lumbar/sacral spine injuries in auto crash. $1.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff sought policy limit for neck and head injuries. After offer of $70,000, jury awards $160,000. San Diego County.
- Plaintiff suffers multiple fractures and TBI after defendant loses control of car. $5.6M. Ventura County.
- Plaintiff's vehicle is side-swiped on freeway. $1M. Orange County.
- Plumber claims disabling injuries in rear-ender, loss of business. Jury disagrees. Defense. Orange County.
- Post-surgical complications disputed after admitted liability in crash. $21M. Los Angeles County.
- Property damage claim litigated after minor sideswipe. Defense. Los Angeles County.
- Punitive damages against employer when truck driver uses illegal drugs; $2.1 million. San Luis Obispo County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Question of course and scope of employment critical in T-bone crash. $1.85M. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-end accident results in disputed injury, offer of $20K. $1.2 million awarded by jury. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender aggravates plaintiff's pre-existing, asymptomatic spine condition. $34K. San Diego County.
- Rear-ender with back injury and surgery. $1 million. Ventura County.
- Rear-ender with disputed injuries. $57,000 verdict after $30K offer. Los Angeles County.
- Respondent disputes necessity of treatment and future care after freeway crash. $121K arb award.
- Right of way contested in left-turn collision. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Running of red light disputed. $19K. Los Angeles County.
- Soft-tissue injuries in rear-ender prevent plaintiff from taking high-paying job. $669K. Orange County.
- Soft-tissue injuries to plaintiff driver and passenger. Liability disputed. $43K. Santa Barbara County.
- Soft-tissue injury treatment over four years disputed. $650K. San Francisco County.
- Source of neck pain disputed after car crash. $203K. San Diego County.
- T-bone crash triggers severe symptoms of plaintiff's congenital medical condition. $834K. Los Angeles County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends auto. 3 plaintiffs experience various long-term pain issues. $45M. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicle accident on farm road results in jury verdict of $600K. Merced County.
- Verdict during pandemic in disputed-liability rear-ender. $253K. Orange County.
- Wrongful death UIM arbitration award of $399,269. Sacramento County.
- Vehicles - Bus vs. Other
- Vehicles - Freeway
- CHP officer, responding to call, cuts off semi on freeway. $6.1M. San Joaquin County.
- Defense verdict after policy limit offer of $50k was refused in rear-ender with disputed causation. San Diego County.
- Disputed injuries after low-impact rear-ender. $60K jury verdict. Alameda County.
- Disputed liability in freeway rear-ender ends in defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Driver of Ram truck incurs spinal injuries after being rear-ended by smaller car. $137K. Contra Costa County.
- DUI tree trimmer has no driver's license, crosses center line and strikes couple's van. $83.8M. San Bernardino County
- Fatal highway accident blamed on faulty manufacture of motor home. Defense verdict. Sonoma County.
- Freeway rear-ender caused by federal employee causes MTBI and neck strain. $4M bench verdict.
- Freeway rear-ender. Defense, with cost award of $39K. Orange County.
- Good Samaritan suffers post-concussive syndrome and facial scarring in successive freeway accidents. $3.1M. San Diego County.
- Head-on collision kills plaintiffs' daughter. $3.5 million. San Bernardino County.
- Negligent entrustment claim in high-speed DUI crash. $1.6M. Santa Barbara County.
- Plaintiff beats CCP 998 in rear-ender with disputed injuries. $1M. Los Angles County.
- Plaintiff's vehicle is side-swiped on freeway. $1M. Orange County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender causes neck, back injuries and PTSD. $146K. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender causes ongoing neck and back pain. $12,500. Orange County.
- Rear-ender on 91 freeway with verdict lower than offer. $3,235. Los Angeles County.
- Respondent disputes necessity of treatment and future care after freeway crash. $121K arb award.
- Slow-moving vehicle on freeway hit. $1.08M. San Bernardino County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends another. $3.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Truck accident injures passenger with pre-existing spinal condition. $711,000. Orange County.
- Vehicles - Intersection
- $742K UIM arbitration award against Wesco Insurance Company. San Diego County.
- Bicyclist and his wife awarded over $4.75 million after car driver deemed responsible for accident. San Diego County.
- Dash cam proves that taxi cab ran red light. $1.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Defendant admits liability in high-speed intersection accident but disputes injuries. $2.5M. Orange County.
- Defendant ran red light. $173K. San Bernardino County.
- Defendant runs stop sign, claims plaintiff was speeding. $536K. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant's limo causes t-bone crash when he attempts to cross 7 lanes of traffic. $1.3M. Los Angeles County
- Defense says gaps in treatment show unnecessary treatment after crash. $1.3M. Los Angeles County.
- Fatal accident at dangerous intersection. $23.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Injuries disputed after T-bone crash. $4.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Intersection collision involving three vehicles, back injury. $660K. Los Angeles County.
- Intersection collision when defendant loses control during left turn. $110K. San Diego County.
- Intersection collision, shoulder injury causation disputed. $15K demand rejected. $154,353. Monterey County.
- Jury verdict of $3.5 million for parents of 18-year-old bicyclist killed by tractor-trailer. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turn accident leads to disputed causation. $537K. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turn collision with failure to yield at controlled intersection. $323K. Los Angeles County.
- Low-speed crash at 4-way stop. $513K. Los Angeles County.
- Motorcyclist killed by city truck at intersection. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- Motorized bike in crosswalk hit by right-turning motorist; $12,950 net plus costs and attorney fees. Los Angeles County.
- Neck and brain injuries leave sheriff's deputy unable to work after crash. $10.1M. San Luis Obispo County.
- Passenger in a medical transport van is injured during a collision at intersection. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Pickup truck driver strikes car with family of three. $70M. Kern County.
- Plaintiff incurs TBI, hip and lumbar/sacral spine injuries in auto crash. $1.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff physician claims accident caused TBI. Defense verdict. Contra Costa County.
- Right of way contested in left-turn collision. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Running of red light disputed. $19K. Los Angeles County.
- Semi-truck cuts off plaintiff. $3M. San Bernardino County.
- Soft-tissue injury treatment over four years disputed. $650K. San Francisco County.
- Source of neck pain disputed after car crash. $203K. San Diego County.
- T-bone crash triggers severe symptoms of plaintiff's congenital medical condition. $834K. Los Angeles County.
- Teenager hit by car when she suddenly crosses busy street with a friend. $3.5M. San Mateo County.
- Vehicles - Lane Change
- City of Long Beach disputes injuries and treatment after trash truck side-swipes plaintiff's vehicle. $579K. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant crosses four lanes before hitting plaintiff. $2,486. Los Angeles County.
- Driver overreacts to being cut off by unknown driver, collides with plaintiff. $76,984 net. Orange County.
- Plaintiff beats CCP 998 in lane-change crash with extent of injuries disputed. $898K. Kern County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Street sweeper sideswipes vehicle, causing major injuries. Liability disputed. $8.4 million. Napa County.
- Three-car crash causes spinal injuries. $8.25M. Los Angeles County.
- Unsafe lane change into path of motorcylist results in paraplegia. $9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Unsafe lane change said to cause back/shoulder injuries requiring surgery. $292K. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicles - Left Turn
- "Eggshell" plaintiff claims injuries from minor accident require surgery. Defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Accident in turning lane, disputed liability. Defense verdict. Santa Clara County.
- Arbitration award of $151,143 net after dispute over extent of injuries. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant driver admits liability in crash with motorcycle, but disputes need for future treatment. $1.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant driver blames plaintiff and ongoing construction for crash. $3.3M. Riverside County.
- Defendants admit liability, but dispute cause of injuries in left-turn crash. $2.36M. San Mateo County.
- Disputed liability in left-turn crash. $34K. Los Angeles County.
- Driver turning left into Magic Castle driveway said to violate right of way. $872K. Los Angeles County.
- Driver's left-turn collision results in serious injuries to passenger. $2M. Orange County.
- Extent of injuries disputed after left-turn collision. $2.8M. Los Angeles County.
- Housekeeper with fractures, chronic pain syndrome awarded $5.1 million. Imperial County.
- Insurer denies MIST claim after admitting liability. $14,038 total. San Diego County.
- Intersection collision, shoulder injury causation disputed. $15K demand rejected. $154,353. Monterey County.
- LADWP employee crashes into motorcycle during unprotected left turn. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turn accident in parking lot. $835K. Ventura County.
- Left-turn at intersection crash. $138K. Santa Barbara County.
- Left-turn collision results in neck, back injuries. $152K. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turn collision with failure to yield at controlled intersection. $323K. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turning vehicle collides with motorcycle. Both drivers assigned fault. $3.5M gross. Riverside County.
- Marine injured in left-turn motorcycle crash. $4M. Orange County.
- Motorcyclist hit by left-turning company truck. $23,720,996 at in-person bench trial. Los Angeles County.
- Neck and brain injuries leave sheriff's deputy unable to work after crash. $10.1M. San Luis Obispo County.
- Pedestrian hit in marked crosswalk. $885K. Orange County.
- Plaintiff in a TBI case asks the jury for $7.5 million. Jury awards $27,500. Los Angeles County.
- Right of way contested in left-turn collision. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Sheriff's deputy's left turn causes crash. $11M. San Bernardino County.
- Source of neck pain disputed after car crash. $203K. San Diego County.
- Vehicles - Motorcycle
- $7.5 million jury verdict for motorcycle injury. San Diego County.
- Auto accident blamed for fatal heart attack. Retrial. Riverside County.
- Collision with SUV leaves motorcycle rider with severe TBI, fractures, and unemployable. $23.9M. San Joaquin County.
- Contractors attempt to set up traffic break without CHP, resulting in crash. $5.5M. San Luis Obispo County.
- Defendant driver admits liability in crash with motorcycle, but disputes need for future treatment. $1.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed cause and extent of injury equals low offer in motorcycle accident. Verdict $187K. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed liability and injuries in motorcycle accident. $3.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed liability in motorcycle accident on highway. $1.2 million. Santa Clara County.
- Failure to warn of traffic danger is claimed when motorcyclist dies. $5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Fatal accident at dangerous intersection. $23.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Jury verdict for over $500,000 in motorcycle crash; defense 998 offer was only $21,001 for back injury. Santa Clara County.
- LADWP employee crashes into motorcycle during unprotected left turn. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Left-turning vehicle collides with motorcycle. Both drivers assigned fault. $3.5M gross. Riverside County.
- Marine injured in left-turn motorcycle crash. $4M. Orange County.
- Motorcycle crashes into left-turning auto. $5.3M. Santa Clara County.
- Motorcycle hit by slow-moving Ford Edge as driver exits parking lot. $2.69M. San Diego County.
- Motorcycle passenger sues the driver. $1.9M in general damages. Monterey County.
- Motorcycle strikes commercial water truck at "T" intersection. Death. $3.85 million gross. San Diego County.
- Motorcycle struck by pickup; course and scope of employment at issue; $11.9 million. Contra Costa County.
- Motorcyclist beats 998 offer from County of Los Angeles after collision. $750K. Los Angeles County.
- Motorcyclist hit by left-turning company truck. $23,720,996 at in-person bench trial. Los Angeles County.
- Motorcyclist killed by city truck at intersection. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- Motorized bike in crosswalk hit by right-turning motorist; $12,950 net plus costs and attorney fees. Los Angeles County.
- Pro motorcycle instruction ends in crash. Defense. San Francisco County.
- Two-motorcycle rear-ender; defense denies liability. $54K. Alameda County.
- Unsafe lane change into path of motorcylist results in paraplegia. $9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicle collides with motorcycle, torn ACL. $350K. San Bernardino County.
- Vehicles - Parked Vehicle
- Vehicles - Right Turn
- $522,689 verdict in low-speed, admitted-liability intersection accident. Sacramento County.
- Caltrans alleged to be liable when vehicles collide making right turns. $16M. Sonoma County.
- Collision between auto and semi-truck. Defense. Orange County.
- Cyclist runs into truck making a right-hand turn. $688K. Marin County.
- Jury verdict of $3.5 million for parents of 18-year-old bicyclist killed by tractor-trailer. Los Angeles County.
- Motorized bike in crosswalk hit by right-turning motorist; $12,950 net plus costs and attorney fees. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicles - Tractor Trailers
- $36 million for Indian couple hit by big rig. Severe spinal injury. Riverside County.
- Collision between auto and semi-truck. Defense. Orange County.
- Fog and negligence involved in tractor trailer crash. $5.3M. Kings County.
- Highway collision with big rig. $750K verdict, followed by settlement. Monterey County.
- Jury verdict of $3.5 million for parents of 18-year-old bicyclist killed by tractor-trailer. Los Angeles County.
- Passenger dies when vehicle collides with tractor-trailer parked alongside freeway. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff rear-ends tractor-trailer that merged slowly onto freeway at night. $1.45M. Orange County.
- Semi tractor trailer hits plaintiff's vehicle three times in sideswipe collision. $1M. Kern County.
- Slow-moving vehicle on freeway hit. $1.08M. San Bernardino County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends another. $3.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends auto. 3 plaintiffs experience various long-term pain issues. $45M. Los Angeles County.
- Tractor-trailer strikes bicyclists, killing one and injuring the other. $182,000 verdict for injured cyclist. Los Angeles County.
- Truck driver claims loss of future earnings when docs say he is unable to work. $289K. Kern County.
- Vehicles - Truck vs. Auto
- $1.2 million award to young driver for neck and back pain with surgery following rear-ender. Sacramento County.
- $17.4 million to 27-year-old filmmaker after crash; defense claims no objective evidence of brain injury. San Diego County.
- Asphalt truck collides with plaintiff's car. Multiple fractures. $2 million. Santa Barbara County.
- Box truck rear-ends auto at red light at low speed; causation and damages contested $3.29M. Sacramento County.
- City garbage truck hits plaintiff's car. $2.5M. San Diego County.
- City of Long Beach disputes injuries and treatment after trash truck side-swipes plaintiff's vehicle. $579K. Los Angeles County.
- Collision between auto and semi-truck. Defense. Orange County.
- Defendant admits liability in high-speed intersection accident but disputes injuries. $2.5M. Orange County.
- Defendant disputes disc injury after rear-ender. $1.1M. Riverside County.
- Dump truck collides at intersection with teenager's vehicle. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- Dump truck pulling a trailer veers into plaintiff's vehicle. $1.6M. Sacramento County.
- Liability disputed after defendant tries to unsafely pass a semi, causing plaintiff to crash. $408K. Fresno County.
- Passenger in Prius hit by big rig on freeway suffers from chronic neck and back pain. $7.8 M. San Bernardino County.
- Pickup truck driver strikes car with family of three. $70M. Kern County.
- Plaintiff who had been drinking suffers injuries after his car is hit by truck. $990K verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Semi tractor trailer hits plaintiff's vehicle three times in sideswipe collision. $1M. Kern County.
- Semi-truck cuts off plaintiff. $3M. San Bernardino County.
- Vehicles - U Turn
- Accident in turning lane, disputed liability. Defense verdict. Santa Clara County.
- Defendant disputes extent of injuries after U-turn collision. $292K. San Diego County.
- Eggshell plaintiff gets hit by driver making U-turn. $107K. San Diego County.
- Extent of soft-tissue injuries disputed after rear-ender. $113K. Ventura County.
- Street sweeper sideswipes vehicle, causing major injuries. Liability disputed. $8.4 million. Napa County.
- Uninsured motorist action follows injury to retiree after illegal u-turn. $48,250 arb award. Los Angeles.
- Vehicles - vs. Pedestrian
- $1.6 million verdict to conference attendee injured when vehicle jumps curb at hotel. Orange County.
- $3M verdict for man struck by car. $100K defense offer 3 mo. before trial. Los Angeles County.
- Child hit by car after leaving ice cream truck; ice cream seller said negligent. $21.1 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Chronic pain syndrome claimed after pedestrian is hit in crosswalk. $3.2 million. San Francisco County.
- City truck runs over beachgoer. $2.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant denies running over plaintiff's foot. $130K. Los Angeles County.
- Defendant driver runs over foot of man in crosswalk. $2.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Driver backs up over child at apartment building, leaves the scene. $25 million. Riverside County.
- Driver hits pedestrian in crosswalk, resulting in multiple fractures. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Extensive injuries claimed in auto vs. pedestrian case. Defense. Orange County.
- Forklift on road crushes man's feet in crosswalk. $10.9M. Los Angeles County.
- High school student struck by car at school bus stop; $9.8 million. El Dorado County.
- Injured pedestrian demands $69,000 per CCP 998, jury awards $200,000. Tuolumne County.
- Long-haul truck driver gets hit by yard goat at truck wash. $775K. Los Angeles County.
- Man training for marathon is struck and killed by DUI driver. $20M. Ventura County.
- Motorized bike in crosswalk hit by right-turning motorist; $12,950 net plus costs and attorney fees. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian hit by vehicle dies. $4.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian hit in crosswalk and carried 30 feet on hood of car. $5.1M. Contra Costa County.
- Pedestrian hit in marked crosswalk. $885K. Orange County.
- Pedestrian in crosswalk hit at 25 mph. $4M. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian MIST case involving course of employment. $962K. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian plays "chicken" with poultry truck, sues after it hits him. Defense verdict. Fresno County.
- Pedestrian-hit-by-auto results in $1 million verdict against a $10 million demand. Orange County.
- Restaurant held liable when employee gets drunk at bar after shift. $1.5 million. San Diego County.
- Skateboarder in crosswalk runs into defendant's SUV. Jury awards $41,800 net after contrib negligence. Orange County.
- Student hit by a car after running into street to catch school bus. $36.1M. San Bernardino County.
- Teen student hit by driver in dangerous crosswalk, city sued. $25.6M. Riverside County.
- Teenager hit by car when she suddenly crosses busy street with a friend. $3.5M. San Mateo County.
- Uber driver collides with runner on way to pick up passengers. $6.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicle vs. pedestrian in crosswalk. $757K. Los Angeles County.
- Vehicles – rear-ender
- 19-year-old injured in rear-ender waits 17 days to seek treatment. $750K. Kern County.
- Actress/singer says rear-ender has prevented her from working. $30K. Los Angeles County.
- After rear-ender, defendants dispute injuries and reasonableness of treatment. $551K. Orange County.
- Box truck rear-ends auto at red light at low speed; causation and damages contested $3.29M. Sacramento County.
- Cause and extent of injury disputed after three-vehicle rear-ender. Los Angeles County.
- Company truck rear-ends plaintiff, causes injury to neck and back. $6.6M. Stanislaus County.
- Defendant company admits liability in rear-ender and disputes some of the injuries. $2.1M. Sacramento County.
- Defendant disputes disc injury after rear-ender. $1.1M. Riverside County.
- Defendant disputes need for knee replacements after rear-ender. $3M. Los Angeles County.
- Defendants dispute liability and damages in rear-ender. $147K. Fresno County.
- Defense rear-ender verdict after prior WC incident with back pain discovered. Los Angeles County.
- Defense verdict in rear-ender. Riverside County.
- Defense wins in rear-ender, claims over-treatment and no causation. Los Angeles County.
- Disputed nature and extent of injuries and damages in rear-ender. $220K. Santa Clara County.
- Distracted sheriff's deputy rear-ends woman's car. $5.2M. Orange County.
- Driver of Ram truck incurs spinal injuries after being rear-ended by smaller car. $137K. Contra Costa County.
- Eggshell plaintiff experiences aggravation of prior neck injury after rear-ender. $38K. San Diego County.
- Extent of attorney-referred treatment disputed after rear-ender. $100K. San Francisco County.
- Extent of injuries disputed after rear-ender at traffic light. $197K. Los Angeles County.
- Freeway rear-ender caused by federal employee causes MTBI and neck strain. $4M bench verdict.
- Freeway rear-ender. Defense, with cost award of $39K. Orange County.
- Full-stop rear-ender, injury disputed. $23K. Placer County.
- Insurance company claims fraud after hit-and-run accident claim. $159K arbitration award.
- Insurer disputes extent of injury and treatment after rear-ender UIM claim. $985K. San Joaquin County.
- Large vehicle shows minimal damage, but two plaintiffs are said to need surgery. $905K. Los Angeles County.
- Liability admitted but injuries to two plaintiffs disputed in rear-ender. $823K. Los Angeles County.
- Low-impact rear-ender causes long-term pain and knee replacement claims; $507K. San Bernardino County.
- Lowball offer by State Farm in UM rear-ender. $382K. Nevada County.
- Mazda's design of driver seat determined to be substantial cause of injuries. $14.9 million. Alameda County.
- Minimal damage award after minor-impact rear-ender; injuries blamed on prior accident. $4,800. Imperial County.
- MIST case: plaintiff w/ pre-existing conditions receives verdict for $1 million. Los Angeles County.
- MIST double-impact rear-ender, directed verdict on causation. $40K. San Diego County.
- Multi-vehicle crash on freeway. $752K. Los Angeles County.
- Negligent entrustment claim in high-speed DUI crash. $1.6M. Santa Barbara County.
- OC Sheriff's investigator rear-ends family of three. $2.2M. Orange County.
- Orthopedic lumbar injuries disputed in rear-ender. $2.8 million. Sacramento County.
- Partial quadriplegia results when van is rear-ended. $21.5M jury verdict. Madera County.
- Passenger in Prius hit by big rig on freeway suffers from chronic neck and back pain. $7.8 M. San Bernardino County.
- Passenger sustains neck and low-back injuries in rear-ender, makes $2 million demand. $11.2K. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff beats CCP 998 in rear-ender with disputed injuries. $1M. Los Angles County.
- Plaintiff receives low award after causation and extent of injuries are contested. $58K. Orange County.
- Punitives in freeway DUI case. $152K jury verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender aggravates plaintiff's pre-existing, asymptomatic spine condition. $34K. San Diego County.
- Rear-ender causes neck, back injuries and PTSD. $146K. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender causes ongoing neck and back pain. $12,500. Orange County.
- Rear-ender causes ongoing neck pain, carrier offers half-million. $2.6 million. Sacramento County.
- Rear-ender on 91 freeway with verdict lower than offer. $3,235. Los Angeles County.
- Rear-ender with back injury and surgery. $1 million. Ventura County.
- Rear-ender, minor impact with soft tissue and TBI. $6.8M. Napa County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends another. $3.4M. Los Angeles County.
- Tractor-trailer rear-ends auto. 3 plaintiffs experience various long-term pain issues. $45M. Los Angeles County.
- Traumatic brain injury at issue in rear-ender. $10.7 million. Los Angeles County.
- Verdict during pandemic in disputed-liability rear-ender. $253K. Orange County.
- Whistleblower
- 20-year City of Compton employee suffers discrimination, retaliation and termination. $655K. Los Angeles County.
- Caretaker for elderly misclassified as independent contractor. $3M. Riverside County.
- Catholic-school teacher's contract not renewed after maternity leave. $3.6M. Los Angeles County.
- City council fires police chief after he begins embezzlement investigation. $1M. Fresno County.
- Civilian investigator reports misconduct, which City of Long Beach tries to hide. $736K. Los Angeles County.
- Company retaliates against whistleblowing CFO. $2.2M. Los Angeles County.
- County of Los Angeles whistleblower. $257K.
- Engineer reports he was improperly given access to classified documents. Whistleblower. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Kaiser charge nurse claims retaliation after being fired. $41M. Los Angeles County.
- LAUSD teacher claims retaliation after she reports suspected child abuse. $600K. Los Angeles County.
- Navy veteran retaliated against for whistleblower complaint. $1.7M. San Bernardino County.
- Orange County employee says she was constructively terminated. $1.2M. Orange County.
- Plaintiffs allege California Whistleblower Protection Act violations by university. $6.1M. Riverside County.
- Recreational program employee complains of sexual harassment by supervisor; both are fired. $9.1M. San Diego County.
- Retaliation against deputy trainee who reported illegal stops and arrests. $8.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Three whistle-blowing employees of FedEx claim unsafe airplane repairs. $8M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower - School safety officer complained of illegal activity. $800K. San Bernardino County.
- Whistleblower gets $22M punitives after wrongful termination. $25.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower resigns, stressed over nursing home's alleged Medicare fraud. $1.2M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower sues bank employer. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- Whistleblower: Vice president blows the whistle on CEO, is fired. $4.8M.
- Wrongful termination of senior manager. $4M. San Diego County.
- Wills and Probate
- Workplace Accident, Misc.
- Caltrans fails to warn subcontractor of dangerous health conditions at work site. $12 million. Solano County.
- Contract laborer injured while working in factory on top of a railroad car, says workers' comp exclusive remedy does not apply. $58M. Los Angeles County.
- Forklift backs up into security guard, drags him 15 feet; leg amputation. $16.9M. Riverside County.
- Truck driver unloading hay falls off ladder as he climbs to top of load. $3.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Truck driver's leg amputated after warehouse accident. $10.5M. Yolo County.
- Workplace accident at home improvement store. $2.9M. Orange County.
- Wrongful Death
- "Pat down" of suspect in dangerous location causes his death. $12M. Los Angeles County.
- $10 million verdict when wheelchair harness strangles disabled boy on school bus. Orange County.
- $27 million awarded against assisted-living facility for negligence in care of Alzheimer's patient. Sacramento County.
- $5 million awarded to elderly parents when scuba diver dies due to defective equipment. Los Angeles County.
- $8.75 million verdict in L.A. Sheriff excessive force/wrongful death case. Los Angeles County.
- 15-year-old dies after being struck by car at dangerous crossing on way to school bus. $20 million. San Bernardino County.
- 911 call results in police shooting/killing young man. $2.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Addict commits suicide at detox center. $11M. Santa Cruz County.
- Aspiration warnings for 73-year-old hospital patient ignored by staff. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Auto accident blamed for fatal heart attack. Retrial. Riverside County.
- Bicyclist is struck by car in or near bike lane. $4.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Brother allegedly murders his older brother in argument over family farm. $2.7M. Fresno County.
- Construction worker falls to his death from concrete form. $26.9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Course and scope of employment disputed in wrongful death case. $4M. Ventura County.
- Cyclist veers into path of car and is hit; later run over by truck. Wrongful death. Santa Cruz County.
- Developmentally disabled adult dies while in care. $22.75M. San Bernardino County.
- Doctor dies after heart treatment at Kaiser. $2.6 million net arbitration award. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor negligently treats seriously ill man who refuses hospitalization, later dies. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Driver is killed when he crashes into an already collapsed crash cushion. Family sues Caltrans. $21M.
- Energy center employee killed in explosion. $150M. Riverside County.
- Excessive force claimed when 7 officers respond to vandalism call. Wrongful shooting death. $2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Failure to warn of traffic danger is claimed when motorcyclist dies. $5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Family sues skilled nursing facility after death of 86-year-old. $30M. Sacramento County.
- Family's SUV slams into 18-wheeler parked on side of freeway. $150 million for wrongful death. Los Angeles County. (JNOV/new trial granted)
- Fatal highway accident blamed on faulty manufacture of motor home. Defense verdict. Sonoma County.
- Head-on collision kills plaintiffs' daughter. $3.5 million. San Bernardino County.
- Inmate suffering heroin withdrawal dies in county jail. $1.6M. Monterey County.
- Janitor working during renovation of office building dies of mesothelioma. $107M. Los Angeles County.
- Jury verdict of $3.5 million for parents of 18-year-old bicyclist killed by tractor-trailer. Los Angeles County.
- Laborer doing electrical work is electrocuted on job site. $14.3 million awarded. Fresno County.
- Man dies in crash between two pickup trucks. $5M. Stanislaus County.
- Man dies of heat exhaustion at country club. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- Man training for marathon is struck and killed by DUI driver. $20M. Ventura County.
- Man trimming homeowner's olive trees is struck by car; wrongful death. $10M. Butte County.
- Mesothelioma causes death of auto parts worker: $11 million gross verdict for family. Alameda County.
- Migrant orchard worker electrocuted by overhead power lines, family in Mexico awarded $4.7 million. Riverside County.
- Minor children sue mother for murder of their father. $10 million bench verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Mother developing pneumonia calls Kaiser nurse advice line, is not seen by docs until it is too late. $2.74 million award. Alameda County.
- Mother dies shortly after giving birth at hospital. $10.8M. San Bernardino County.
- Motorcyclist killed by city truck at intersection. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- Nursing home staff fails to follow procedures to prevent pressure sores. Wrongful death. $1.6M arbitration award.
- Out-patient gynecological surgery results in death of 40-year-old. Defense. Fresno County.
- Passenger dies when Lyft driver tries to merge onto highway. $6M. Sacramento County.
- Passenger dies when vehicle collides with tractor-trailer parked alongside freeway. $11M. Los Angeles County.
- Pedestrian hit by vehicle dies. $4.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Pediatrician fails to hospitalize infant, who dies of pneumonia. $2M. San Bernardino County.
- Plaintiff's mother dies in fire. Cause disputed. $3M. San Francisco County.
- Police shooting results in wrongful death claim. Defense. Santa Clara County.
- Railroad boilermaker dies of Mesothelioma from asbestos in repair shop. $6.95 million. Alameda County.
- School employee abuses and kills student's son. $30M. Los Angeles County.
- School staff fails to use AED to help student after collapse. $15M. Los Angeles County.
- School's lack of defibrillator said to be a cause in death of football player. $8M. Alameda County.
- Teen is killed walking to school, city blamed for dangerous condition. $60M. San Bernardino County.
- Toddler dies in fire; defense arbitration award in wrongful death. San Bernardino County.
- Two feeding tubes punctured lungs, causing wrongful death. $1.5M, reduced by MICRA. Los Angeles County.
- Unarmed robbery suspect shot by Culver City police. Minor children awarded $8.8 million. Los Angeles County.
- Woman tortured to death by her fiancee, the father of her child. $41.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Worker dies operating rock-crushing machine. $30 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death due to mesothelioma. $8.87M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death in hotel room. $5 million settlement after bench verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death of truck driver when fuel tanks explode. $12M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful death UIM arbitration award of $399,269. Sacramento County.
- Yamaha Waverunner explodes on launch ramp, killing owner. $21.3M. San Bernardino County.
- Wrongful Termination
- $1.96 million to inventor of diesel fuel additive for breach of implied employment contract. Los Angeles County.
- $2.5 million to two bank employees for wrongful termination, discrimination. Los Angeles County.
- $21.8 million award for wrongful termination of customer service rep. Los Angeles County.
- $550,000 verdict for custodian in ADA discrimination case. San Bernardino County.
- $6 million jury verdict for truck driver whose employer insisted he make deliveries in dangerous weather. Sacramento County.
- 15-year supermarket employee fired while on medical leave. $578K. San Mateo County.
- 20-year City of Compton employee suffers discrimination, retaliation and termination. $655K. Los Angeles County.
- AT&T call center rep takes a lot of medical leave, is terminated after 10 years. Claims retaliation, wrongful termination. $2M. San Diego County.
- Baldwin Park's first female Chief of Police wrongfully terminated. $7M. Los Angeles County.
- Bartender fired after pregnancy leave; defense verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Bus driver with health issues repeatedly misses work, is fired. $1.9 million. Los Angeles County.
- Cancer surgeon sues Kaiser medical group for firing and defaming him; awarded $1.75 million before confidential settlement. Orange County.
- Caretaker for elderly misclassified as independent contractor. $3M. Riverside County.
- Catholic-school teacher's contract not renewed after maternity leave. $3.6M. Los Angeles County.
- Civilian investigator reports misconduct, which City of Long Beach tries to hide. $736K. Los Angeles County.
- Company fires employee while he is out on medical leave, after he asked for simple accommodation. $240K. Los Angeles County.
- Correctional officer claims retaliation after reporting on-the-job sexual harassment. $752K. Plumas County.
- Coworker sexually harasses truck driver. $2.6M. Santa Cruz County.
- Design assistant terminated after repetitive injury claim. $210K. Los Angeles County.
- Doctor-founders of non-profit medical clinic are wrongfully terminated. $6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Early maternity leave leads to employee's termination. $41,400 bench verdict.Los Angeles County.
- Employee is not accommodated after serious auto accident. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- FEHA discrimination claimed against large clothing manufacturer. $650K. Los Angeles County.
- Healthcare employer fires supervisor after medical leave. $420K. Yuba County.
- Hollywood creative director wrongfully terminated for reporting boss's coke use; $450,000 verdict; settlement before punitive phase. Los Angeles County.
- Janitor with shoulder injury claims wrongful termination. $1.1M. San Diego County.
- Kaiser employee is fired; claims retaliation. $366K. Los Angeles County.
- Kemper Independence claims manager defamed at work and then terminated. $4.7 million. Sacramento County.
- Lawyer tries to intervene in ongoing sexual harassment by prominent yogi and is fired. $7.3 million. Los Angeles County.
- Long-term female executive claims wrongful termination against Playboy Enterprises. $6 million. U.S. District Court.
- Mechanic fired after taking military leave. $1M. Orange County.
- Nurse is fired after reporting unlicensed social worker, wins $299K verdict including punitives. Los Angeles County.
- Passenger van driver tells passenger of depression and is fired. $1.2 million. Los Angeles County.
- Plaintiff claims wrongful termination after employer tries to accommodate after on-the-job injury. Defense. Orange County.
- Plaintiff leaves country during medical leave, so school district terminates him. $1.2M. Tulare County.
- Plaintiffs allege California Whistleblower Protection Act violations by university. $6.1M. Riverside County.
- Pregnancy discrimination claimed after job termination. $251K. Napa County.
- Principal of school fired after complaints of his speaking Spanish to students too often. $3.6M. Tulare County.
- Production worker fired for insubordination awarded $482,511. Los Angeles County.
- Recreational program employee complains of sexual harassment by supervisor; both are fired. $9.1M. San Diego County.
- Restaurant worker claims racial and sexual harassment, wrongful termination. $1.6 million. Los Angeles County.
- Retaliation claimed when fire marshal is fired. $4M. Los Angeles County.
- Sales director terminated after pregnancy leave; claims wrongful termination. Defense. Orange County.
- Salesman fired in retaliation after complaints of racial harassment. $822K. Los Angeles County.
- School custodian wrongfully terminated after injury. $35.5M. Santa Cruz County.
- Security guard fails drug test and is terminated. $40K offered. $1 million verdict. Fresno County.
- Staples facilities manager, 64, fired after age harassment. $26.1 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Tech on FAA contract fired after altercation with co-worker. $7.39 million
- Three whistle-blowing employees of FedEx claim unsafe airplane repairs. $8M. Los Angeles County.
- UPS supervisor receives $18 million verdict for wrongful termination/retaliation. Los Angeles County.
- Vice president said to mishandle transgender person's complaint. VP is fired. $300K arb award.
- Walmart pharmacist claims retaliation, wrongful termination. $27.5M.
- Whistleblower gets $22M punitives after wrongful termination. $25.1M. Los Angeles County.
- Whistleblower psychologist is terminated at state mental hospital. $1 million. Napa County.
- Whistleblower sues bank employer. $1.5M. San Diego County.
- Wrongful termination after wage-and-hour violations and sexual harassment. $583K. Orange County.
- Wrongful termination and religious discrimination result in $1.37 million verdict. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination and retaliation claimed by Office Depot supervisor. $10 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination at community college. $2.9M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of hospital employee based on race and retaliation. $1.5M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of long-time employee results in punitives. $8.5 million. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of prison doctor results in $3.3 million verdict. Madera County.
- Wrongful termination of school district employee. $1.7M. Los Angeles County.
- Wrongful termination of senior manager. $4M. San Diego County.
- Young managers engage in age discrimination of long-time employee. $31M. Los Angeles County.
- Animal Encounter